gross shit -.-,
Friday, October 31, 2008 @ 11:22 PM
Went Toa Payoh @ noon with gx. Sad, couldnt find D:
Anyways horrible encounter @ 7 Eleven! I was thirsty, so wanted go there get Slurpee (: So there were like, 4 flavours luh. There was an "Out of service" sticker pasted on 1 of th flavours. So i thought only that flavour was out of service. Lol, so i filled th cup with some slurpee apple drink that didnt have th sticker. Uhm, i could see that it was abit weird? Like it's white (supposed to be green i think) and it was quite bubbly. Thinking on th bright side, i thought maybe they "improve" th drink or smth :) I sipped quite a few sips (before i paid). @ 1st i was like thinking, uhm why not cold one? Why taste funnyfunny & diluted one? Even if "improve" shld be for th better right... ...?
But it's like i alrdy drink abit alrdy what, then confirm cannot must buy right -_- So i just "ah whatever luh" and walked over to th Big Gulp there to get ice before going th counter there pay. When i was @ th counter, guess what th cashier said?! (I was drinking the Slurpee @ that moment)
Cashier: "Uhm excuse me, the Slurpee is out of order."
Me: (stop drinking immediately) "Huh, then what am I drinking?!"
Cashier: I dont know...
Walau that stupid disgusting gross shit i-dont-know-what drink!? I was so embarassed that i just passed th Slurpee to th counter and ran outta 7 Eleven! LOL. Then later, gx was like saying what maybe that was soap/ acid and they were cleaning th machine or smth -_- I was in sucha euuw-omg, what the hell mood luhhhhh!
Went Kaiying's house @ Lorong Ah Soo. Preparation for halloween party :D Then around 4.30pm, every1 bused down to ricks house for Northeast prayer meeting haha.
we must be spiritual giants!Tomorrow is gonna be Halloween party! Yayyyy! Hope everything goes on well :DDDDD
Once, twice, thrice?
Still dont get it -.-
Are you pure stupid or just naggy?
Thursday, October 30, 2008 @ 10:06 PM
Tday woke up, rushrushrush before heading outta th house to AMK Macs (: Meet sheepy Peining and had shepherding. Hehe she's damn cute! And omg, Macs now is so weird? Like we were there for less than an hour and @ least 3 irritating pple came to us. Asking if we wanna buy apple dippers, showing us th McCafe menu etc. Lol, when did they become so
despo hahaha.
Hehe, then went to ricks house for care group :) And there is a trampoline there omg! So cool. Haha, th balloons were kinda hard to blow. My mouth was very pain and yet i didnt even manage to blow a single balloon, lol -.-
God forgives us by sending Jesus Christ to die on th cross for us. Left for CCA after that. Seniors started talking about CCA camp, which is on 28-29 November. Walau somemore compulsory :/ I bet CCA camp's gonna be horrid luhhh, im so NOT looking forward to it! Anyways, they say for farewell it would either be a party or bbq. Then said smth like, "Is there anyone's condo nearby that we can go to? Then we can have a barbecue and bbq ourself..." Hahaha, then Joey and I "barbecue ourself!?" @ th same time, looked at each other and started laughing like mad, HAHAHA! :D Then had to continue taking pictures of Goldilock And The Three Bears to form like, a movie? Kinda boring. When CCA ended, went with Merlyn to 7 Eleven and i got my Sunkist Orange juice drink (: Cabbed home together.
sleepyhead (:,
@ 12:16 AM

zzZ zzZ zzZ
Hahaha, all 3 photographs taken @ Alumni Camp 2008 (: Got it from Jemie and Vanessa's blog! Lol, i sleep alot hahaha :D And i still remember clearly, 1 bunch of idiots coming into MPR1. Saw qianyi and i sleeping or rather resting, laugh hahaha, and started snapping away -_- LOL, but looking @ th pics now i think it's kinda funny! And i think those are like th only pics i ever took with qianyi? Why does th ONLYS have to be unglam -_- Sad that she is leaving for NUS High anyways. Hehe, must mail me a present every month :D
CCA sucks!,
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 @ 10:50 PM
I tell you something okayyyyy!
I tell you something okayyyyy!
I tell you something okayyyyy!
I tell you something okayyyyy!
I seriously see no point in going back to sch tomorrow to take those freaking retarded pictures. Which are supposed to look like they are moving, meaning that th characters have to make very small tiny weeny movements, meaning that we have to take alot/ many/ much/ countless pictures. And that absolutely bores me out, urghhh!
Yah and now i pretty much have nothing to do since my Nanny Daddy videos are loading @ a snail's pace, so just being lame and procrastinating here (:
I want my 75% attendance! I hope i have...
deaf? :X,
@ 9:30 PM
My mom forced me to read some stupid article...
From THE STRAITS TIMES, Wednesday 29 October 2008 (Home, page B8):
Students may not know they are losing their hearing as "their classmates may not mind speaking louder, or repeating their words a few times"
Controlling the volume:
- Adjust the music player to 60% or less. Many players have a maximum level of about 100 to 195 decibels.
- You should be able to hear a normal conversation over the music playing.
- Use noise-cancelling headphones which shut our background noise, so you do not turn the music louder to drown it out.
- Use volume-limit functions if they are built into your music player, so it cannot exceed a set specified limit.
- Parents can buy child-friendly earphones for their children, such as those with a volume lock.LOL, i think that really applies to me luh hahaha. Im pretty deaf :X
Subject combination submitted (: Hehe went to Jubilee 's Popular with Kaiying tday to get construction paper for Halloween (: Then went back AMK macs to find emily yilin & sining. I think they were studying, so just looked @ them/ slack/ wait for time to pass :D Went Bishan Junction 8 to meet Melanie sheepie at around 4pm for shepherding. Hehe she is very punctual!
Faith, hunger, obedience (: (im so happy)
Boought th wasabi shaker fries to eat, which tastes gross! After shepherding, chitchat and walked around @ J8 with Melanie. Many many cute soft toys @ Minitoons and Action City :D
doorgifts (:,
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 @ 10:17 PM
Had to wake up early bcos of my stupid CCA. Infocomm is so wuliao -_- Went comp lab to do some lame dough thing and take pictures of it to like, form an animation. It is so meaningless! Taking so many pictures (not video) so th whole thing will look like a moving animation.
Lol, later bused to kaiying's house @ Lorong Ah Soo with Clara (: Hehe thank God i met her like, @ th bus stop. If not i dont even think i knw which stop to stop la hahaha. Yuqian, jocelyn, gladys & liling came along later and helped to do doorgifts for halloween party :D It is so cute haha. In th meantime, slacked alot like playing Speed and badminton with kaiying. Lol, i accidentally hit th shuttlecock to th 2nd level roof and had to go climb to get it back luh. It is very dirty, euuwww :/
Left with Jocelyn after that. Walau bus took damn long, when it came damn crowded & uh smelly.
Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that you're my God
You're altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me
subject combi (:,
Monday, October 27, 2008 @ 11:59 PM
Woke and slept again, until around 12.30. Stayed @ home slacking tday :D
Relatives came over to play mahjong with daddy :D Supa noisy man. But i still enjoyed myself using comp, watching videos, tv and sleeping (:
Love life @ home hehehe. And changed my blog skin too. Couldnt stand th previous one, which was so thin & skinny. Lol then make my posts damn long and pictures/ videos come outta th box! This one's much simpler hahaha.
Anyways, submitted my subject combination tday too. Was rather vexed over which subject combi to choose. @ 1st i was very confirm that i wanted C1b. But later called a few pple to ask about subject combi. Then became very confused. Cos like alot of pple wanted pure geog, so they took C3. Hehe maybe peer pressure and it was quite hard to make a decision :X
But in th end, i decided that i shall take biology combi. Cos actually i dont listen in class much, so i would probably die if i take physics :X Yupp. 1st choice was C1b; 2nd choice C3; 3rd choice C2 :) And thanks Joan!
movies/ Youtube...,
Sunday, October 26, 2008 @ 11:55 PM
Yayyy, just finished watching th movie Corpse Bride, on th computer (: Hehehe, btw i finished watching Beach Ball Babes on Youtube a few days ago alrdy. Th 20 episodes were so interesting/ cool/ love :)
Hehehe, i have no idea what to watch now? Nanny Daddy? Some other drama serial? Doraemon? La bi xiao xin (crayon shin)? Btw i just realised la bi xiao xin 's eyebrow damn thick! Hahaha :D
@ 9:24 PM
Hehehe, tday was supposed to go Hope Todds (however u spell it) with kaiying. Lol, but woke up late so didnt go :/ Sorry tky who morning called me, like what 14 times? Hahaha.
Met kaiying, liling, yuqian & guihao @ Junction 8, 12 noon (: Had lunch at KFC before meeting th rest and bus 53 to ky's house @ Lorong Ah Soo :) Omgz her house is like damn bigggg! Every1 had fun exploring her house and asking if she has a brother or rich cousin lol! Haha, ky's house is huge. I shld have taken pictures man! Discussed about Halloween party. Yayyy, it's gonna be so cool. Seeya every1 on 1 Nov for Halloween party :D
Later bused to st.nicks there. Hahaha, supposed to play badminton. But KBCC was fully booked while HDB flat there got wind i guess? So jemie, guixian, sarah & i went jemie's house to watch 13 Going On 30! Haha th movie's quite nice i think (: Halfway through gx went home for some stupid reason, cos her family members was stuck outside with no key? -.-
Lol, after watching th movie slacked around. Played comp, looking @ lame blogskins & websites & videos. Heheh, Jemie's GG chocolate biscuits box kinda wasnt closed properly and all th choc biscuits came out in her bag. Lol, then look like shit hahaha!
Sarahaiya & I had dinner @ Jemie 's house before leaving around 8.30pm (: anyways i think J 's maid very nice, polite & good. Unlike my fat, rude, show-attitude maid! :P
Saturday, October 25, 2008 @ 11:29 PM
Had FREEDOM service tday (: It was great! Hahaha, had many cool stuffs like beatbox, dance, songs, drama etc! :D Hehe, everybody were so highhhh and stuff. Sermon was on Living Free! :)
The world steals our freedom, but God gives us true freedom!Had lunch @ le meridien. Nonya fried rice was nice, though th serving was huge! Lol, shall share with pple next time (: Then chat chat, talk talk before going for uctm. Charades for games were cool. la bi xiao xin XD
People dont care how much you know about them before they know how much you care! :)
Reached home around 8pm, omgz was veryyyy tired luhhh. Maybe i shall sleep earlier next time, lol (: Hehe, then chatted with Melanie. Yayyy, she can come for WFL (: Praise God!
Okay, i think i should rlly start saving up now :X so many things to pay: Word For Life ($15)/ HEROES camp ($140)/ havaianas ($26.50)/ Halloween Party ($?) :O
Anyways, infocomm is horrible! Have to go back during th holidays for th 1st 2 weeks :/ Still have some lame shit infocomm camp, which is just a kiam siap farewell party instead of an (expensive) chalet for sec 4s? -_-
@ 1:12 AM
Hehehe i was so busy watching Youtube just now that i forgot to post some stuff :O
I love 2 Wisdom '08! Th kinda only sad thing that holidays have started is i will miss this class... I think it's a great class and it was wonderful and fun to be in 2W :) I guess both Mr Choo and Mrs Gurung were great form teachers. Mr Choo was hilarious while Mrs Gurung was patient (:
Actually, i was seldom in a class that won awards/ prizes (No, it's not bcos of my presence!). I mean, normally my previous classes seldom won nothing for cleaniness award, games carnival etc and we always had to clap for others :/ but 2 Wisdom was great! We won quite a few, including cleaniness award, Chinese New Year & National Day deco, skipping competition etc! Anyways yupp, 2 WISDOM (ohyeah) rocks! :D
Btw i think i would probably choose C1b for my subject combination. Actually my overall results were kinda expected, like i said only a few decimal points frm what i expected :X Then ytd i looked @ my report bk, and kinda started thinking... Actually although i dont wna take triple sci cos my physics sucks, i still want to be offered it. Maybe when i was in primary sch, i was kinda quite clever? I mean i would get good results, be offered hcl, get into best class etc. It's like i have this thinking: even if i dont want/ need it, i STILL WANT to be @ least OFFERED it, then later reject cos i dont want/ need it! Hahaha, i like th feeling that "im not lousy, i was offered but i REJECTED it" (; hehe that's basically th only tinge of sadness i feel when i wasnt offered EC. Anyways my science suck and i got like 50 only lol -.-
Hehh, great awesome lovely wonderful fun...
1. classmates from 2W: charyl/ carolyn/ elysia/ eunice/ goh sijia/ guixian/ grace/ jiaxin/ jiaxian/ jemie/ mabelline/ merlyn/ meiqi/ sarah/ sabrina/ qianyi/ vanessa/ weiyun/ xinhoon/ yexin :D
hehe badminton peeps & term seating partners were great (((:
2. infocomm club: crystal/ erica/ grace/ jadine/ joey/ letian/ lilin/ lydia/ nerissa/ merlyn/ meiqi :D
3. Others: lydia/ pearlyn/ rebecca/ jolene/ sophia (more, but cant rmb)
And byebye to IP people too, must come back often kay (:
movieeeees (:,
Friday, October 24, 2008 @ 11:33 PM
Hehe, holidays start tday yayyyy :)
Went to meet guixian and sarah around 11+ in th morning. Those idiots bluffed me that th movie started at 11.30am when it actually starts @ 12, bcos i was late :/ Then had to rushhh like mad -_- And stupid escalator spoil... Anyways, we watched High School Musical 3. It was quite nice haha, though th singing parts were so ... (-.-) After movie, walked around to get food. Sarah left for her Band. Hahaha, guixian and i went to catch another movie, Connected :) It's so cool, all th action plus it's hilarious :D Yupp, th 2 movies i watched tday was great! :D
Hahaha, after movies waited for Yilin and went for Northeast prayer meeting tgt (: Lol, then others who were there early kinda played a prank on NED, cos all of us were late :X Ruiyong just suddenly, 5-4-3-2-1, Lets worship! Then every1 started singing Heart Of Worship. Hehe lol, but it was kinda obvious it's a prank cos th atmosphere was abit weird, some pple open eyes plus some (like gideon) were giggling/ smiling! Hahaha, but th REAL worship was after that was great! ;D
FREEDOM ESS tomorrow! Yayyyyy :)
scolded -.-,
Thursday, October 23, 2008 @ 11:58 PM
It 's th last day of sch tday :B However, programme we had in sch for tday was horrible/ boring -.-
Got back report bk, my overall is a B3. Im ok with it luh, just a few more decimal points to my target! Hahaha, i dont even knw what subject combi i wanna take. Aiyah it's like so confusing! I thought they would offer you a subject combi which u would be most suitable for, and i would just accept? Lol, i didnt knw that's only for EC :/// Urghh nvm, i shall leave this vexing matter maybe to my mom? Hehehe :D
Anyways had some drugs talk and NYAA talk. Stupid Mr Jega (dunno how 2 spell) claims that we talk continuously during when he was speaking, so me, sarah, sijia, qianyi & yexin had to stay back ): Lol then blahblah scold, nag, whatsoever he can come up with -.- Hehe idk why, but i found it hilarious. So i kept giggling, trying extremely hard to control my laughter! Uh cos, after all he is in th midst of scolding what, so i would probably agitate him more if i laughed? Yexin laughed more than me anyway (: Hehe, i had small outbursts of laughter even though i was trying hard to act nonchalent or look away to prevent myself frm laughing. Mr Jega was scolding us, blabbering that he was only expecting an apology. But none of us did, and even laughed blahblah... -_- Then i dunno why, i suddenly couldnt control and start gigggggling. Walau that loser point & shout @ me to SHUTUP!? H8 him, h8 him. Haha then suddenly th room supa quiet lol. Felt like laughing somemore, but obviously i tried very hard not to, since he would probably just get madder -_- Urghh, Mr Jega was like a loser expecting an apology frm us. But even though he scold so long, none of us apologised hahaha. So th most cowardly thing he did was to take down our names/ class and complain to form teacher (Mrs Gurung).
So obviously, there was a PART TWO to all th scoldings when Mrs Gurung asked 5 of us to meet her after sch D: Lol, just sit @ th bench and hear her nag. This time i didnt giggle much hahaha :) I think she used that chance link to other stuffs to scold - influence/ attitude etc -_-
Cca was boring. I dunno if my attendance got 75% :O But infocomm quite gd, let you do duties during hols to make up for 75% (: I guess i have to do quite a few then, though i h8 PA duty! During cca, had to do posters/ stickers for nxt year cca fair. Lol, wrote stuffs like "i love infocomm club" / "it rocks" / "come join I.C." etc, but in my head was "i hate I.C."/ "it sucks" / "don't join I.C." -.- Hehe then went to bully/ play with letian & slack before home for my darling Youtube! ;D
Oh im supa tired now, shall post wonderful, great, fantastic 2 Wisdom classmates I LOVE tmrw (i think) :D
Thomson Plaza pics (:,
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 @ 1:20 PM
Hehehe, pics taken @ Thomson Plaza, with weiyun & jiaxian :D I think it was quite long ago though, th day before science EOY!

Doner by jiaxian & weiyun (:

Presented to meeeee (:

Im th wonderful photographer! I love this shot, it's like so artistic (whatever) :D
And this is my (messy) table that i packed a few days ago :O

embarassing moments :/,
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 @ 10:36 PM
Hohoho, this is my 100th post (:
Yayyy i love my blog! Hahaha
Hehe, had some free period before sexuality education since mrs gurung was late? So chatted and talked crap, until this teacher came to like, scold every1 abit. Then she continued on blabbering that we are just chatting, like quite unconstructive and decided to call abt 5 pple to go up to talk about what we have learnt for th past 2 sexuality education lessons -_- unfortunately, my index number got called!? So embarassing, i went in front and totally had no idea what to say? Thank God Mrs Gurung came shortly after, and i didnt had to share like what i learnt :D Uhm, then later during Translation it was supa boring. So every1 (or maybe just me?) started doing their own stuff, surfing th Net etc (: Then dunno what happen, have to call names go translate some speech -_- Mr Wong like say, "2 most talkative pple" i think :X Guess what, guixian and i were called ))): So horrible, i was like SHIT @ 1st and hiding behind th computer and yet i still got called :/ Anyways I just kept laughingggg and translated rubbish. Urghhh, why am i always so unlucky to get called and always making a FOOL OUTTA MYSELF!? 气死我了!Lol, talking about embarassing myself, that time th Huahui shit, go on stage in front of th whole sec sch was th ULTIMATE EMBARASSMENT -.- Oh whatever!
After sch, crystal and i hesitated quite long before we decided not to go cca (; cca sucks, infocomm sucks! Hehe, lunched at Sumo House and chatted about everything under th world, lol hahaha. Then headed to her house @ Woodlands, explored her house abit then watched The Break Up, borrowed frm guixian, which came in handy since crystal & i wanted watch movie :) Uhm it's quite nice, it's supposed to be a comedy, but not rlly that funny though, LOL. Ltr went to Causeway Point to buy bubble tea before taking 169 straight bus home. Omgz it's so sssslllloooowwwww and i reached home @ 7+pm, missing a portion of Where The Heart Is :/ Anyways, there was this horrible guy sitting beside me in th bus (guy looks like a pig, seriously). He was sleeping, supa unglamly, legs open big and mouth open too -_- So paiseh to sit beside sucha pig! Felt like putting a cockroach into his opened mouth (: Then when i wanted to get out @ my stop, is like so weird. Cos that fat ass still sleeping and i definitely wouldnt miss my stop just not to disturb him frm his sleep (hope he had nightmares)! Hehe then i kicked him abit, i mean gently and pretended it was an accident. Luckily he woke up, and i think he was quite embarassed hahaha! Then i laughed all th way to my house :D
Anyways daddy bought me new ear piece for my beloved red Walkman :D Thank dadddddyyyy!
However a veryvery sad thing: my SIM card is spoilt ): Yupp, so pls dont sms or call my handphone until further notice. Hmm, can contact me through my house phone, which sucks! Omgz life life w/o my SIM card or phone suckkkkkks :/
99th post!!!,
Monday, October 20, 2008 @ 9:05 PM
Yayyy, this is my 99th post and my next post (probably tomorrow) shall be my 100th post! ;DDDD
Anyways, no sch tday. Woke up near 12, hehe must have a GOOD SLEEP after Alumni Camp :) LOL my whole day was spent watching tv and using computer. Uhm, as you can see i changed my blogskin. I edit html until damn pekcek okayyyyyy! Cos th tagboard is like moving, so @ 1st cannot see th bottom. Cannot see th bottom of th tagboard obviously means pple cannot tag, which totally defeats th purpose of a tagboard? Yahh, then th Links are a big headache too. Still got th whatever counter, snowflakes blahblah... -_-
Aiyah my blogskins are like 越换越丑 ://///
Rawh, anyways tday was th finale for 三十风雨路! Actually not rlly considered as finale, since it's a repeated show :) But i think it's quite nice, and i dont care to all those pple who thinks it's an AUNTIE/ GRANDMA show! :P Ohhhh, and in Where The Heart Is (channel 8, 7 - 8 pm), Yuhan and Jiakang had a divorce! D: So sad! But jiakang is a 2-timing jerk anyway. But he's a lucky guy, since both Yuhan (wife( and Shanshan (3rd party) are so prettyyyyyy! (: Hehehe, i think women should get a divorce if their husband got affair, unless he is filthy rich then of course must 死赖着不走. If not, must have backbone and getta divorce plus demand lots and lots of alimony! Lol hahaha (:
im tired zzZ,
Sunday, October 19, 2008 @ 5:09 PM
Eh im supposed to go usher for Water Baptism @ 1pm tday. But by th time i reached home, it was alrdy 11.30am plus i didnt rlly feel well after Alumni Camp, so i didnt go YWCA :/ I think i would fall sick soon, considering that i hardly drank water during th camp? I thought they would provide mineral water bottles (like DUH right), but they didnt. And th only times i gotta drink water was when i occasionally passed by water coolers -_- Slight sore throat now! D;
Urghh, anyways i rlly wanted to go for water baptism :D I mean, its so cool/ fun/ heartwarming to see pple renewing their faith for God! (: Nevermind, i shall try to make it 4 ushering 4 next water bap! Besides, it was raining heavily awhile ago. So, idk if it rained @ Dhoby Ghaut area and if th water baptisms went well :X
Oh and grandparents from mother & father side came over. Omgz you know what happens when 3 fathers (dad, dad & mom side's grandfathers) and 3 mothers (mom, dad & mom side's grandmothers) get together? THEY GOSSIP ABOUT THEIR CHILDREN. WHICH IS LIKE ME AND MY SISTAS AND MY COUSINS! -_- And they talk veryvery loud, AS IF WE CANT HEAR THEM! :D Walau that is like so freaking damn lame. Blahblahblah, about WE CHILDREN very rude, lazy, stupid, getting fatter & fatter etc -.-Anyways, school is ending! ;D Oh and i think O Levels start tomorrow is it? aiyah idk when, but soon right? So yeap, JIAYOU TO ALL SEC FOURS TAKING THIS EXAM! (:
Alumni Camp '08,
@ 3:35 PM
Hello every1, im back from Alumni Camp '08! :D The More We Get Together, lol. Hehehe it's not rlly like THAT fun, but not THAT boring too :X Actually i was sleeping through th whole camp lol :) Ok i dont care if you find it boring anot, but i shall blog day by day abt 17 - 19 Oct '08!
Met up for dinner @ Subway with guixian/ meiqi/ sarah before we headed to sch (: So embarassing with all our slping bags & big, bulging bags! Alumni Camp kinda started @ 7.30 (in MPR1) and th 100+ sec 2s, along with Mrs Cheong & th da jiejies, sang th school song. Then later got into our groups (BROWN BOMBS!) :D played some icebreakers games, like Whacko, Double Whacko, some lame chair maze game! Night trail was @ 11pm, it was rather short :/ Anyways it was so totally NOT scary! Choir room/ MEP room (i think) was supposedly th most scary one, where th "ghosts" would suddenly just scream to scare u and stuff. Oh and they would put porridge on you hahaha :X But nt enough time for BROWN BOMBS to go there ): Hehe but altogether, games tt night were quite fun! Yupp, later was sleeping time zzZ (: 3 words: Hard, pain, cold.
Woke up damn early. Resulted in ME sleeping everywhere i went (: Breakfast was some kinda horrible shit! I wanted ham or egg bread, but got tuna instead? Actually it isnt rlly tuna, basically onions & garlics. I just ate a few bites and my mouth stank :/ I cant imagine th stench for those who finished th whole bread -_- Okay, im in Group 6 which was supposed to go to Supreme Court! ;D It was quite cool luh. Like the new Supreme Court is so tall and beautiful and cool and wonderful and has amazing scenery! We got to go to court rooms & th appeal room etc. Then th person talk about history, court cases, technology there & i dunno what else bcos i was sleeping -_- Hehehe, but overall Supreme Court is nice. Yayyyy i wna be a lawyer when i grow up! (dream on) Btw couldnt take pics inside, if not i would have taken manymany to show off that i've been to Supreme Court and make yall jealous :P Hahaha lol.

Btw passed by le meridien in th bus to Supreme Court, which made me miss service @ Nexus so muchhhhhh! ): Ahwells, anyways there was nothing much to do back in sch. So slacked @ MPR1 with lydia, letian & lilin (((:

Lydia (trying to take a picture of me?)

Letian is so cute hahaha!

lydia, letian, me (:
Then it was "cooking" time. Had to make some disgusting gross "i dunno what and i dont wna knw"! Jolene Ng & i were freaking tired, so we started ostracizing ourselves frm th group, discussing our SLEEPING PLANS :D Like running off to th MPR1 to sleep/ disappearing to th gym to sleep etc. Ended up each of us pull 2 benches tgt, lie down, SLEEP! :D Chatted awhile, damn funny. What if some1 come and say What are both of you doing? What would we reply, Sleeping? What if we fall off th bench? What if we oversleep and dont wake up and everybody just leave us there after they finish cooking? Anyways we rlly did fell asleep, before pple started sprinkling water on us whenever they walk past -_- Surprisingly, teachers/ da jiejies didnt scold us or wake us up! :D Hoho, so Jolene & i totally didnt help in th cooking at all (: Then had some stupid Talk, which was very lame (i think). Didnt even listen to anything. Just slept @ th back with Jolene. Later woke up, pretend go toilet but ran off to th MPR1 to continue sleeping, i think Mrs Elaine Lim was so horrified @ us! Cos we were like sleeping everywhere hahaha.
8 - 10+ pm was Songs! Like every1 sat down, including th da jiejies and had "bonding session", singing songsss :D @ 1st i was rotting and stoning, but later joined in and sang hahaha! Alot of songs, from th da jiejies' generation songs to this generation songs. Got chinese got english; got HIGH got low hahaha :)
Pass It OnIt only takes a spark to get a fire going,
And soon all those around can warm up in its glowing;
That's how it is with God's Love,
Once you've experienced it,
Your spread the love to everyone
You want to pass it on.
What a wonderous time is spring,
When all the tress are budding
The birds begin to sing, the flowers start their blooming;
That's how it is with God's love,
Once you've experienced it.
You want to sing, it's fresh like spring,
You want to pass it on.
I wish for you my friend
This happiness that I've found;
You can depend on God
It matters not where you're bound,
I'll shout it from the mountain top
I want the world to know
The Lord of love has come to me
I want to pass it on.
I'll shout it from the mountain top
I want the world to know
The Lord of love has come to me
I want to pass it on.

(da jie jies)

(singggg, lights off)

(lyrics bk + pretty chopsticks)
Hehehe had supper, then played some lame game. It's like you hold TIGHT onto 1 end of th sleeping bag, whereas a strong person (e.g. guixian/ qianyi) hold to another end. Then th strong person starts pulling & running, person holding on damn shiok & scream like mad. Which is so coolllllllll (: But you have to wear guixian's supa slippery slippers for BEST EFFECTS!
Hmm, we could either choose to watch a movie or sleep. Hehe th movie was supa obscene @ 1st, first glimpse of movie was breastfeeding -.- hehe but ltr changed movie to Big Fat Liar :) Watched halfway then fell asleep hahah.
Hehe qianyi & i are always th last 2 to wake up lol! Disgusting beehoon for breakfast, fit for monks to eat? Ate a few mouthfuls only :( Later had some Mass Dance on th track. Had to dance Family Dance twice -.- Hmm, then had Sharing on Alumni Camp. Like give comments, gd & bad points etc. I (personally) think: not enough sleeping time, food sucks. (wo3 shui4 bu4 gou4 ye3 chi1 bu4 hao3!) Activities were okay though (: Sang sch song (again) then Byebye! Haha, went to Macs with guixian for a DECENT BREAKFAST. Then shared cab home!



Eunice hahah
Friday, October 17, 2008 @ 3:05 PM
Hehehe, since im home now i decided to blog 1 last time before going off to Alumni Camp :)
Sch tday was about th same as yesterday: Sexual Education then Translation. Actually i think th video that Mrs Gurung recorded to let us watch was quite nice haha. Translation was veryvery boring. Ytd learn translate english to chinese, tday learn translate chinese to english -_- Aiyah all very stupid! Anyways Sarah is either retarded or stupid hahaha. She, gx, jx & i went to th toilet. I threw toilet paper into Sarah's cubicle for fun, before going to pee. Afterwards, Sarah started blabbering that got GHOST :O Hehehe, cos suddenly she saw toilet paper "flying" in, so she faster pee and went outta th cubicle lol. Omg so hilarious, we all kept her in th dark and started saying stupid ghost stuff to SCARE her, but being a kind person, i told her after awhile that I was the "ghost"! LOLLLL ;P
Sch ended around 1+. Went with meiqi to keep MPR1 PA equipment ); But 1 thing im happy is, i have no more PA duty already! :DDD So happy/ elated kay, since i have been doing that disgusting thing for 2 weeks continuous :/ Went home after that, typed out cards (: Okay i gtg bathe and later meet some 2W classmates for dinner @ Jacks Place, before busing down to sch for Alumni Camp.
Anyway, Johnsons Baby shampoo bottle so cuteeeeee omgz! :)
Okayyyy, byeeee!
will be back in 3D2N :),
Thursday, October 16, 2008 @ 10:06 PM
Tday had morning assembly @ Hall, cos it was School Colours Award Day. Hmm, happy for all th athletes, cos they got awards/ certs/ trophies to take, boring for WE NORMAL PPLE. Sit there and clap, so boringggg :/ Programme after that was sexuality education by Mrs Gurung. Another boring thing, fell asleep hahaha. Then went recess with qianyi/ guixian/ sarah/ jiaxian. Im so happy, i influenced qianyi to eat jelly! :D I love purple jelly (Wong Coco). It's my loveeee, and i can eat it like 2 or even 3 times a day yayyyy :)
Later had some Translation thingy @ comp lab. It was 10% funny, 15% interesting and 85% boring -.- Translate is 翻译. 翻译 is translate hehehe :D Then had to translate some angmoh cheeeeem paragraph (about ethnic grp) into cheeenapok paragraph, so stupidddd!
Later had to clear classrooms, since sec 3s were gonna use them. Had to freaking lug my badminton racket, chinese DICTIONARY & 2 home econs book home ): Didnt go for cca, since our whole grp uhm, obviously didnt wna do that disgusting dough animation haha :D Had cg in sch, then went Sining's house after that :) Omgz Sining's dog is mad. The moment th door was opened, it kinda charged out and i screamed like mad, cos before that i forgot that she had a dog :O It brushed past my leg like a few times and i just froze & shout shout shout. Later it went to bite my sock (which was on th floor luckily) and run. I didnt knw, cos i only saw smth white in Truffles' mouth. Suddenly i asked Sining, "OMG IS THAT MY SOCK!?" Then she yes-ed me, and i was like OMGGGGGG I DOWAN ALRDY, PLS THROW IT AWAY FOR ME! :O
Hahaha it was quite cool @ her house - chatted, used comp, watched tv (my so-called-grandmother-show, which is so drama), explore her house, watch sining study hahaha :) And apparently, running away from th dog whenever it came near and shouting for Sining to GET IT AWAY lol. Went home around 7, exhausted man :X
Was packing for Alumni Camp just now. Im bringing backpack yayyyy :D Just now went Show & Save, intending to buy small bottle of shampoo :) But th only small is like, Johnson's Baby milk bath! Hahaha, it's damn cute/ coooolllll though :DDD Anyways I rlly hope Alumni Camp will be fun & enjoyable (: im gonna go for a shopping spree for tidbits tmrw (if i rmb) to eat @ night. I will be gone for 3 days 2 nights, dont miss me hehehe! ;D
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 @ 10:20 PM
Im here to publicise for Huixuan hahaha :D
Omgz i want th Havaianas Flash Urban Fresh! ;D
All eoy papers back ;O,
@ 8:58 PM
Finally on time (for once) for PA duty tday :D And it was quite a horrid day, since Sec 2s got back th remaining eoy papers :O Uhmm, so got back math/ elit/ hcl tday. I didnt do well ):
Math - C5
English Literature - B4
Higher Chinese Language - B3
Hahaha, truthfully i preferred ytd 's marks muchmuch more :) A hwells, my 2 lousiest scores for eoy are math and sci. Urghhh, and they so happen to be th 2 subjects with a higher weightage 4 subject combination :/
Anyways i also dunno what subj combi i wanna take, i guess just take th one that im offered? Cos for my (lousy) results, i think it's more of subject combi choose me, rather than i choose them -_-
Btw Math was just so depressing, seeing others get 80+ whereas i got only got a LOW C5!
Hmm, had to stay back after school tday for some extra PA duty @ Drama Studio, which was pushed to me do -_- Thanks alot meiqi, for accompanying me (: However, it was very boring, sometimes watching sec 1s doing their lame drama, trying to figure out spotlights, setting up & keeping equipments, reading magazines, napped, tolerating irritating sec 1s junior etc... my juniors are so annoying & rude ok -.- Had to stay till near 5 before i could leave, and i almost died of B-O-R-E-D-O-M :(
Got Alumni Camp like programme list + packing list already. Uhm, it's like quite lame actually :/ Nehmind, shall just go for (hopefully) th fun out of it :D
Pictures (:,
@ 5:47 PM
Hahaha, pictures taken last Saturday after service. If i never remember wrongly, we went Esplanade > Singapore River :D Saved pics from Kaiying's Friendster, havent got th rest yet hehehe!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 @ 11:12 PM
Omgz, i still think my blog skin very weird! I think th background is coolios black, which is very cool (like me, uh duh hahaha), but th words are very weird. Like th spacing and stuff. Aiyah i dont know la, i think it works different on different computers and different nets (like Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer etc) :X Please somebody, tag and tell me if my previous blog skin or current blog skin is nicer? ;DDDDOmgz, i still think my blog skin very weird! I think th background is coolios black, which is very cool (like me, uh duh hahaha), but th words are very weird. Like th spacing and stuff. Aiyah i dont know la, i think it works different on different computers and different nets (like Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer etc) :X Please somebody, tag and tell me if my previous blog skin or current blog skin is nicer? ;DDDD
Anyways, im so envious of my younger sistas (pri 3 & 4)! It's like they dont have sch from tday until sun (: Like so shiokkkkkk. Or maybe i shall just get my papers tmrw and pon school, since it's so boring. Sexual education, like what's th point of that!? I mean, it's so awkward right? ;O Anyway technology is so advanced now and modern pple are getting sicker (i dont mean in a physical sick way) & more open (: SEXUAL EDUCATION, or practically almost everything u wna know is just a google/ yahoo click away! There are even VIDEOS and ILLUSTRATIONS on th topic itself okay. So if we (SNGS sec 2 cohort) are genuinely interested in Sexual Education, there is no need for th sch to waste $ getting speakers to talk to us about it, we can GOOGLE OR YAHOO it OURSELVES, which saves us much more time ;D
Omgz, it's like 11.10pm alrdy. Gotta go zzZ, since daddy's not fetching me to sch tmrw and i have to be freaking ON TIME for PA DUTY and to CLEAR TH SMELLY DUSTBIN -_- Kay, goodnight :)
@ 8:56 PM
Sch tday. Have lots of complains like omgz, shall elaborate more later (in this post)...
Got back some exam papers (hist, geog, sci, eng) and went through them, like checking of answers/ marking etc. 1 whole day going through papers, so boring & hot in th hall man, but luckily have pple around me to chitchat/ talk cock with hahaha ;D
Uhmm, my marks arent rlly secret luh, so i shall just post th grades here! (This isnt overall for th whole year, just for recent EOYs only.)
History - C5
Geography - A1
Science - C6
English - A2
Btw i think im very stupid (but lucky) for science luh, C6 isnt like high C6 or anything y'know! D: It's a FIFTYYY ON THE DOT! Lol hehehe. Thank God for everything still, I pray that i will do well for remaining papers (math, elit, hcl), which would be returned tomorrow (: Ohh, anyways currently overall (4 subjects), i got B3 (; But it's an ON-THE-DOT B3 :X
After sch, went for cca which is so torturous/ humiliating/ gross :( Okay i shall now ELABORATE ON MY COMPLAINS (as mentioned before @ th top)!
1. Woke up l8 tday 7am omgz :O But i was very efficient and managed to reach sch by 7.17 hahaha :) Uh however, i didnt getta bathe and it supposedly led to my blur-ness tday -.- Shant say more about my blur embarassing moments!
2. Uhm bcos i was almost l8 for sch, i didnt go find Mrs Elaine Lim, which she ask me go find last week? Cos i was wearing PE tee when im supposed to wear blouse -.- Why is th sch so wuliao, wear PE tee for comfort also cannot meh!? Anyways, Mrs Lim kinda nagged @ me when she saw me since i didnt go look for her in th morning, blabbering that i shld have went to find her during recess. So i guess i have to go find her someday soon, which is so WASTE OF TIME.
3. And bcos i was almost l8 for sch, i didnt go for PA duty too. (Like wth, i was on duty last week alrdy lor) So during CCA kena scolded abit by Auntie Suan Chu ): Walau, she ask me go clear dustbin tmrw lor! So disgusting man. She think im what, her FOC maid ah!?
4. Stupid seniors somemore added on to her scoldings, seniors were supa sarcastic too. Actually only 1, which is ** **** -_- You think u what, counsellor ah!? Then go quit schooling and go take up counseling luh (though i bet all those victims under ur counseling will end up mre depressed and go commit suicide hahaha!) Uhm, somemore dunno say what ask me go mop (supa big) comp lab next time im late for PA duty. 1st thing i mop is ** **** 's face man (: And yall "scolding" all th sec 2s PA pple, actually only targeting me & erica (i think) can. Somemore erica didnt come, so is ME ONLY LOR? So obvious okay, my name was mentioned like dunno how many times -_- Damn humiliating/ embarassing, though i dont rlly give a shit about you all :P
hehe havent been complaining on my blog for ages, feel so good man to let everything out! :D
new skin (:,
Monday, October 13, 2008 @ 2:11 PM
Hellooooo :)
Those with EYES o.O to see, it is very obvious that i have changed my blog skin! Actually i think it's damn ugly now, though i spent like 1hour+ editing th html, adding in tagboard/ achives etc, since th original skin doesnt have it :X
Ah wells, @ least it's better than th previous 10-bar button one right? That one, according to what my friends say, have to press every single 1, trying to find which bar leads to blog posts/ tagboard etc, HAHAHA! Lollllll, omgz i rlly think that my current skin is abit weird? Like it's too to-the-right? ;O And my tag board is too oversized and out of place! Urghh, but im too lazy to edit html or find new skin already. So meanwhile, bear with it, while i go have lunch (maggie mee) and watch Red Cliff. It's my 2nd time watching hehe. 1st time was in th cinema! Alright, byeeeee ;D
i dnt wanna go to sch, since cca 's starting tmrw :O H8 cca, it's so wuliao + boring!
shopping <3,
Sunday, October 12, 2008 @ 10:29 PM
Tday was a gr8 day! ;D Had a rlly good sleep, till around 1pm. Woke up for lunch & watched tv, before going to town with mommy & my younger sista :) Went John Little 1st. It was supposedly to buy clothes for my younger sista, you know all those Barbie, Disney Princess clothes? Hahaha, but there werent any nice ones :/ Walked around somemore and I bought 2 tops, shorts, heels and some other stuffs (: From B2, had to go all th way up to level 5 to claim some stupid 30% voucher thingy, then had to go all th way down again to change some sizes. Urghhh so troublesome -.- Later went Paragon, walked around and bought dark chocolate biscuits from Marks and Spencers. Omgz i love them alotalotalot ;D Hehehe, then Takashimaya for food. Was veryvery tired alrdy. Met some relatives @ Taka too. Quite unexpected, since i see them like what, only in Chinese New Year? :O Speaking of CNY, i so want it to faster come man! After all th shopping & eating, took 167 straight bus home :)
Omgz, i rlly love after-exams-season :D Everything is so relaxed, life is so carefree. It's like going out every single day, watching tv, use comp/ online, shopping, sleeping, eating etc. THAT IS THE LIFE! Before that's "studying till you go crazy" life is so shitty, life not even fit for animals! :P Yayyyyy tomorrow's a holiday. I guess i shall stay @ home to sleep/ movie/ slack/ eat, since im tired & broke from going out everyday this week hahaha :D
Ohh, and getting back exam papers on tues & wed :OOOO So nervous/ anxious/ scared/ apprehensive/ terrified/ horrified! :X I rlly wanna get an A2 (: I had a weird dream ytd btw, somehow i slept @ this park near sch. I mean, it was after sch, so i went there to play with forget-who. Then too tired and all fell asleep there, so deep in slp until slept there for th night -_- Then i know this is so no link, but qianyi came to tell us th next morning that i failed for science. Like i got D7 or E8 D: Uhmm, sucha weird dream lor. I pray that nothing from this weird dream will come true, especially especially th failing science part. CHOYYYYYYY! :)
service (:,
Saturday, October 11, 2008 @ 11:01 PM
Went for service tday (; Worship was great, had rlly nice songs like With Everything, All In You and I Adore :DDDD Sermon was on Right Attitudes towards God's Priority. I rlly wanna learn to follow God out of obedience & reverence.
After service, went to meridien for lunch :) Uhmm, th nasi lemak 's egg was gross? Th colour was ... (obiang)! Later, trained to City Hall frm Dhoby Ghaut with kaiying/ huiyi/ inez/ weiting. So embarassing in th mrt, due to my loss of balance :X Huiyi, Kaiying & i went The Pizza Place (Raffles' City) > Esplanade > Singapore River
(: Ky was an embarassment okay, went to Adidas wanted to change jacket, but gave th person wrong receipt -.- Instead of Adidas receipt, gave th person The Pizza Place receipt lol hahaha. So huiyi & i concluded that going out with her is embarassing, joking haha :D Went Esplanade camwhore. It's a beautiful place :) Then walked supa alot, before finally reaching th Singapore River! It was quite cool, there were pple water skii-ing (whatever you call it & however you spell it). Took picture of th scenery (omg i cant believe i spelt it as "cinery" just now!), river, Spore Flyer etc haha. Later went to Raffles' City 's Starbucks before took mrt bounce back (: Thank God, daddy picked me up @ yio chu kang mrt, if not i wouldnt have much of an idea how to get to Rosewood condo haha. Went there for my cousin 's party :) She's uhm, 3 or 4 years i think? Th food was great, delicious, fantastic, BUT th company was horrible -_- It was either adults like my parents/ uncle/ aunty or annoying children. Omgz th children were horrible, so noisy, fighting, shouting & screaming as if every1 were deaf -.- Urghh, so i just watched tv th whole time lol, pretending im very busy & acting like an anti-social hahaha (: But my cousin 's rlly cuteeeee and th Awfully Chocolate cake was delicious :D And she was so happy that it was her bday hahaha
From google (:,
Friday, October 10, 2008 @ 11:08 PM
- "When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car"
- "I'm an excellent housekeeper. Every time I get a divorce, I keep the house."
- "I remmember the time I was kidnapped and they sent a piece of my finger to my father. He said he wanted more proof."
- "People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world,"
- I recently read that love is entirely a matter of chemistry. That must be why my wife treats me like toxic waste.
- If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?
Love is a mutual self-giving which ends in self-recovery.
- Love is the thing that enables a woman to sing while she mops up the floor after her husband has walked across it in his barn boots.
- Love is a grave mental disease.
- You tried, and you failed, so the lesson is, never try.
- I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
- Practice makes perfect but nobody is perfect so whats the point of practicing?
- Marriage is a three ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffering.
- You know you're getting fat when you can pinch an inch on your forehead.
- The first half of our life is ruined by our parents and the second half by our children.
- The trouble with children is that they're not returnable.
- We spend the first twelve months of our children's lives teaching them to walk and talk and the next twelve telling them to sit down and shut up.
- To solve the human equation, we need to add love, subtract hate, multiply good, and divide between truth and error.
- My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met.
- Always get married early in the morning. That way, if it doesn't work out, you haven't wasted a whole day.
- I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They've experienced pain and bought jewelry.
- Women now have choices. They can be married, not married, have a job, not have a job, be married with children, unmarried with children. Men have the same choice we've always had: work or prison.
- Wise men make proverbs, but fools repeat them.
Games Carnival,
@ 10:14 PM
Tday was Games Carnival. I made a horrible, stupid decision to go to sch -.- It's was damn hot th whole day luhhhh. I am not supa dark/ red/ disgusting skin rawhhh! I thought every1 were exaggerating that i was rather red + black colour-ish, so i just ignored them hehehe (: Until i went to bathe just now, i was so shocked that when i randomly looked into th mirror, my hand had 2 skin tones! Aiyah in any case, it was supa grosssssssss :X
Uhmm, i was in soccer with qianyi/ mabelline/ jiaxian/ eunice/ sarah :) Actually th 1st few games, i was kinda scared since i havent played soccer for veryvery long :O So i was just screaming/ laughing/ running throughout th game, which was hilarious, like some kinda loser hahaha! After that, i just anyhow run/ chiong/ kick whatsoever lol :) There were quite long intervals, in between games sometimes went to support others :D And th sun was horrible tday, so bright & big & shinning w/o mercy... i almost melted okay -_- And sorry to every1 that i complained (about th heat) my lungs out to :X im either gonna pon that loser Games Carnival event or bring a freaking umbrella next year man!Anyways, there were 5 games altogether. Hahaha, soccer was like draw, draw, lose, win, draw. So it's like almost th same as, DRAW ALL hahaha. I think 2 Wisdom did well in other areas & managed to get into semi-finals - Captains' Ball, Frisbee, Table Tennis, Floorball! :D Overall, 2 Wisdom got 2nd for Games Carnival, losing to sports class 2C (: It kinda came as a shock, since i didnt rlly realise we were that uhh, sporty? Hahaha, but we were all veryveryvery happy 7 jumping for joy, whooooooo!
Anyways, went to watch Painted Skin with guixian & zihui after sch (: I love it man. Although th part, where th vixen spirit take off her skin quite gross bcos of th worms (euuuw), th movie was quite touching! I was close to tears, @ th part where th husband stood by th wife, even when he found out that she was a "demon", but too bad no liquid flow out hehehe :D Omgz, i think next time if i ever find out that my husband is a demon, i will be th 1st to pack up and run man, much less die tgt O: Or maybe i will just go commit suicide, since obviously th demon wont let me off and even if it does, i will feel gross all my life, having lived with a demon etc. Euuuw omgz, th thought of a demon husband is SICK.
After movie went for prayer meeting. I want a complete surrender to God, bcos He has th best plans (:
interesting quotes hahaha,
Thursday, October 9, 2008 @ 11:00 PM
i was bored, so i googled for stuffs hehehe (: So i decided i shall post serious stuffs, since my blog posts are always full of crap :X
Interesting quotes i found while google-ing:
We have no say over the hand dealt us in life, but we do have a lot of control over how this hand is played. We are responsible for bringing out the meaning of our own lives in each moment that we live. Remember each moment happens only once and can never be retrieved again. -Roberta Andersen
Women like silent men. They think they're listening. -Marcel Archard
What I think is that the F-word is basically just a convenient nasty-sounding word that we tend to use when we would really like to come up with a terrifically witty insult, the kind Winston Churchill always came up with when enormous women asked him stupid questions at parties. -Dave Barry
Never shall I forget the time I spent with you. Please continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours. -Ludwig Van Beethoven
You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it. -Charles Bixton
I've got a theory that if you give 100% all the time, somehow things will work out in the end. -Larry Bird
Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names. -JFK
He who asks a question may be a fool for five minutes, but he who never asks a question remains a fool forever. -Tom Connelly
Your lips look cold. Can I warm them up for you?
There are three ways to ruin yourself -- gambling, women, and technology. Gambling is the fastest. Women are the most pleasurable. Technology is the most certain. -George Pompidou
Like omgz. Hahaha, okay i shall be guai and go to bed. To prepare myself for th boring/ tedious/ tiring/ sweating day tomorrow! :O GAMES CARNIVAL, im in soccer lolllllll :X
bowling fun :),
@ 9:14 PM
Tday had some Reflection Day. Uhm @ 1st i thought it would be very supa boring lol. But it turned out to be okay hehe (: A group of Catholics i think, came to tell us stories, dance, songs, reflect, talk about treasuring friendships/ damily etc haha. The Pastor and co. were very funny hahah!
I was on PA duty hehe. So i was in th PA room behind drama studio most of th time, with joey/ crystal/ jadine :) Crapped & stuff inside. And there was Mamma Mia/ Abba songs. Joey became crazy, starting to dance & jump around like a monkey lol hahaha. Watching her was an amusement man! ;D Poked hole with nametag in my water bottle, so i could spray water @ th monkey! LOL, sec 2 PAs are cool man (: Then while every1 singing/ dancing outside, kept pointing laser @ pple, which is like Omg so fun/ cool! I wanna buy a laser too. Then i can point @ teachers i dont like when they are teaching or smth heheh (:
I think it was rather touching after hearing th group of Catholics who came to share stuffs with us tday. Many pple cried, hugged each other etc. But i think it was pure exaggeration to cry lol! Hahaha (: Btw Pastor Simon told us ghost stories too, but i couldnt hear properly since i was far behind :/ i love ghost stories! (:
Anyways after sch, cab down to Marina Square with Jemie/ Jiaxin/ Guixian (: Had Long John Silvers' for lunch, yayy i love! Then bowling, played 2 games :) Got like 52 and 57 points. Bowling was so funnnnnn. Love it to th max yo! Jemie is crazy, she claims that she very long never bowling alrdy & lousy. End up she is th pro man, so high score :O And th way jiaxin THROWS th ball is hilarious luhhh ahhaha (:
Omgz i just realised that i've been going out every single day this week. Tday is only thursday & i have alrdy spent near $60+ up to this point of th week O; Shit, gotta $AVE MONEY WANYI :X
Eagle Eye,
Wednesday, October 8, 2008 @ 9:05 PM
Met guixian/ sarah/ qianyi/ jiaxian @ AMK Hub around 10+ tday :) Had breakfast @ Macs. I love Happy Meal, although i got a blue ugly ghostly magnetic toy -_- Anyways, th whole world was l8 except for guixian & i lor hahaha
Hehehe, planned to go Kallang @ 1st, bowling/ ice skate or smth, but watched Eagle Eye instead. Walked around to buy food before that, since we had to wait for th movie to start :) When i was comfortably seated down in th cinema, 1 of 2 idiotic girls who walked past, stepped on my leg. Uhhhmm, i was wearing slippers? So obviously pain like hell -.- I totally just shout OWWWWWW and i think i shocked th girl, but i dont care. It was freaking painful luhhhh :/// Then watching Eagle Eye is sucha bore man. I was like freezing in th cinema and yawningggggg. I think th movie's okay, but too bad i dont rlly like action + talktalktalk movies. So i didnt enjoy it alot lol.When movie ended, irritated jx/ gx/ sarah/ qy on th plot, character, story & stuffs hahaha. Th movie is so chim, urghh.

After that, went to ricks house cg :D Games was fun hahah. Reached home about 7pm and im veryveryvery tired. Exams are over, so dont needa chiong anything anymore (: So i guess i shall sleep early later yayyyy
Anyway im broke ):
happpppyyyy (:,
Tuesday, October 7, 2008 @ 10:32 PM
LOLLLL dad was irritating. Hehehe he visited my room (after a very long time), and discovered that my room is like a pigstye :O My table 's stuff is piling up while th floor is filled with bags/ jacket/ files. I have 2 tables, and both are like mini versions of mountains -.- Anyway yahhh, so daddy asked me to pack my room before he passed to me laptop charger!!!! Urghhh, so i had to go through th tedious task of packing my oh-so-messy room. Actually it wasnt very difficult, cos i took th short cut :) Which is to dump everything into 1 drawer/ cupboard or pile stuffs up NICELY and not MESSILY :D
Yupp, so i got my laptop charger yayyyyy (: And im supa happy since i got back my MP3 tooooooo.Another happy thing is that exams are over. So cool yayyyyy, hate exams. But i hate getting back report book too. When i was in primary sch, that was like 1 of th things i loved to do, cos i was SMART. Now, th thought of getting back report book is a horror/ terror/ shock :O
Anyways, there's no school tomorrow. Cos of drama/ MEP exams. Aiyah, why cant drama & MEP be on 2 SEPARATE days!? If so, we could have days off luhhh hahaha (:
im freeeeee (:,
@ 1:46 AM
Exam is like finally over :) Im freeeeeee. Sucha relief <3 Byebye exams!
Last paper, which was Higher Chinese tday. It was like omg, veryvery rush. I mean, there was so little time. I managed to finish ON.THE.DOT. Uhmm i didnt check for careless mistake or write wrong words whatsoever, and my chinese summary was like veryvery horrible. I was like only left with 15 min for it? :/
Difficult HCL paper ended like around 10am, then went with sarah/ guixian/ yexin to macs. Ate & sat there to chat/ crap/ talk about lotsa stuffs hahaha. I dont know what i wanna be when i grow up. But definitely not a baker anymore -_- i wna earn lots of money $.$ and buy lots of things hehehe! Had to stay @ Macs for veh long, as our movie was like about 3hours away? -.-
After th long wait, finally went to take bus to AMK Hub. Met Nicole Yau and Rebecca in 268, i think nic yau 's over-friendlyness scared sarah & guixian luhhhh. Hahaha, but it was hilariousssss (: Anyways, watched The House Bunny with Sarah & Guixian @ Cathay :) Like ohmygodz, it's totally BIMBO! Hahaha. But quite funny :D And Sarah is seriously retarded lol.

funnnnn (:,
Monday, October 6, 2008 @ 11:32 PM
Ytd i stayed @ home, slacked/ slept/ watch Money Not Enough 2 :) It's very touching, although it's alrdy my 2nd time watching, i almost cried. ALMOST hehe (; i think i would be a loser if i watched 2nd time still cry lol. Studied abit for elit, and managed to finish reading boring Village By The Sea in 2 days - Sat & Sun (:
Shit, i got PA duty. H8 it man, other than th fact that you getta skip morning jog :/ Anyway now exam, no morn jog, so i have no reason to like PA duty -.- so embarassing + mahfan!
English Literature Exam tday. It was okay (: But unseen prose is like, i dnt rlly even understand th passage? Aiyah but nvm, it's over & i dnt care :D Each person was given 6 pieces of green foolscap :) @ 1st, i thought i was very "pro" and written alot for elit exam. Then ltr after collecting scripts, i looked around & realised uhh, alot pple's table had nothing left, means they used up all th foolscap :O So i realised actually i didnt write alot (noobz) :( k nvm, quality & nt quantity hehehe
E-lit exam ended around 10, headed to AMK Hub meet kaiying (: Trained tgt to City Hall. Went Raffles' City and lunched @ The Pizza Place. Hahah, very nice :) Then walked around, saw shop selling beautiful books/ cards! Bowling @ Marina Square. Played 2 games haha (: Then ky & i trained to Clarke Quay. Omg th scenery is supa pretty. River got boats & opposite had many shops (: I love Clarke Quayyyy, next time can go there study lol. Camwhored & chatted, which was fun :D Angmohs are veh nice & friendly, hehe!
Then trained to Raffles' Place. Hahaha, took pictures @ the river. But i still prefer Clarke Quay :) Haha Raffles', got alot of birds/ pigeons. Kaiying calls them DUCK LOL. We were like 2 "tourists" tday, going to th rivers, which had alot of angmohs/ tourists! :O Then walked to Victoria Concert Hall there, posing as Sir Stamford Raffles hahaha :) Straight bus 167 home ltr. Hahaha, it was a tiring but funnnn day tday :DDDDDDDDD

Last paper - Chinese tomorrow...
ALL THE WAY :)))))))))
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIAXIAN (:you lamo yamo hehehe.
2 more left;,
Saturday, October 4, 2008 @ 11:22 PM
I wanna change blog skin. But apparently, im too lazy to find new blogskin + edit whatever HTML shit :X Nevermind, i shall maybe change it after EOYs :)
Actually to me, it's long "over" already. Cos since, thurs onwards, i have ceased studying -_- Maybe i shall start soon, for english literature? Hate it. Hate The Village By The Sea. Hate elit teacher. Hate exams. URGH
Hahaha, anyways quarrelled with my mom in th morning. She is veryvery irritating & annoying. Talk to her is like talking to a WALL, ignoring whatever i say -.- Only whatever she says counts. But i managed to suppress my anger (though i almost erupted/ exploded), never shout or curse her much (: Haha, th bible says we must Honour our parents!
Bused to Sembawang, to find Seeyi get elit bk. Thank God she lent me, or else i dnt think i 'll be able to study 4 elit ://// i shall try to not lost my stuffs anymore yayyyy (: Bus ride there & back was supa longggggggg.
Went home and uhm, kinda spent th whole Saturday pissing my mom off hahaha. I decided i must "retaliate" for getting nagged @ her, hahaha so i slept 1/2 of th day. Watch tv 1/4 of th day. Eat 1/8 of th day and study 1/8 of th day LOL HAHHA. Plus i ignored her yayyy :) Omg i think i successfully pissed her off luhhhh! ;D
Anyways, my cousin got into Gifted programme (: So smart laaaa. Then during dinner, my dad was telling us that while my cousin got into Gifted, my younger sista overslept and didnt even go for th test -_-
2 more papers - chinese & elit to go :)
Shit, i havent study 4 elit...
happy bday sharon :),
@ 1:17 AM

Stay tall hahaha. Jiayou for PLMGS! :) God bless you