Infocomm Camp,
Saturday, November 29, 2008 @ 9:24 PM
Yayyy, I'm back from Infocomm camp! :) Lol, it was quite horrible, just as I had expected.
Oh btw, yesterday I was very hot (warm) and bored as I still had some time before leaving house for camp. So i was like a Aiyah-I-cannot-stand-my-fringe mood, so I did my 1st (and probably last) attempt of cutting my fringe!!! Omg it turned out horrible, short and it wasnt even straight -.- I'm never ever gonna cut my fringe ON MY OWN again :( Then it's like I was going to be l8 alrdy & had no choice but to leave it... ...
Uh, during infocomm camp just played some stupid lame games, that I was not interested in. I want water bomb games, but I think they cancelled it :/ Then had BBQ @ th rooftop garden, which was th most fun part :) Hehe, I didn't rlly helped much with th bbq-ing luh, but I played with ice! Lol supa fun to play with ice, putting into pple's shirt, screaming, shouting, laughing, running... :D Th food was okay too. Then we all went to bathe before having night trail. Uh it was kinda like a failure and I guess caused some unhappiness to every1 :( But it was rather scary to walk around in sch @ night! Then watched movies at 12am, lol kiasu us (me, joey, crystal, guixian, grace) went to lay our sleeping bags right in front + middle :) Watched High School Musical 3 and Chihuahua, but quality not good + weird subtitles cos it was pirated.
Both movies ended around 3+am, then chatted with Lydia until almost 4.30am. Haha, that mad woman dont wna lemme sleep but I still did for about 2-3 hours in th end :D
Then today ate some cheapo breakfast provided before leaving early to go for church :) Although I only slept for a few hours, I'm so glad that I went for service. Worship & sermon on Forgiveness was so good (:
Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Had lunch @ JustAcia, yayyy I love freeflow ice cream + drinks. Lol, ate until I supa full man :O I'm sosososososo tired that I can stand while sleeping, sleep in the toilet, sleep with a noisy tv etc. Whatever, you get th point :D
Thursday, November 27, 2008 @ 5:53 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEINING! :DHAPPY BITHDAY ACE! :DWoke up @ 11am, then bused to Novena. Met Charyl for lunch @ Long John Silvers. Haha, then walked around while waiting for the stupid Rebecca :)
Hehe then 3 of us went Wisma > Takashimaya. Lol, went Cotton On and tried alot of clothes and Rebecca bought alot of clothes. I saw many clothes I like, but i didn't rlly bring alot of money tday so maybe I shall go back another day :D I went to change my dress from Max & More too, haha but what I changed to is like almost th same design but sleeveless...
Then Charyl left, and Rebecca and I continued walking around. Bought chocolate biscuits which i love, from Paragon 's Marks And Spencers :) Then walked all th way to Far East Plaza, we spent half the time complaining that it's super far and th other half chitchatting haha. Far East used to be like, 1 of my favourite hangout? Haha but now, I seldom go already. Heh, shopped for awhile @ Far East but didn't find anything I wanted :/ Anyway, by that time Rebecca and I were already half dead from exhaustion plus my shoes were giving me hell until I had slight difficulty balancing lol hahaha, so took straight bus 167 home :)
bye smelly!,
Wednesday, November 26, 2008 @ 11:16 PM
Had a horrid experience (again) @ the stupid Old Folks' Home. Went with lydia, diana, weiting. The stupid indian CIP woman (aka rojak woman) is so irritating/ naggy! She treated us like what, not even cheap labour... BUT FREE LABOUR. Last time make us sweep ground, this time make us move th flower pots and pluck out th weeds -_- So disgusting, all th soil, insects, weeds plus other gross stuffs euuw :/
After all th stupid gardening, it was so infuriating to know that while we were slogging @ plucking out weeds, 2 guys (probably volunteers or CWO workers) were sitting comfortably under th fan and doing origami decorations for christmas! Uh, like shouldn't they be th ones doing the weeding?! Haha, we concluded th indian CIP woman favoured them bcos they were of th SAME COLOUR SKIN LOL. Then me/ lydia/ weiting/ diana helped those 2 gay Indians design & cut out decorations for Christmas (for th Home). Haha, Diana draws well!

Woah, I hate the Indian CIP woman. I hate the Home man. Today was my last day there, got my CIP hours and I'm never ever going back! ;D Haha, before we left all of us criticised it like mad. Had lunch @ Northpoint, and 3 of them were just plain embarassing cos they keep laming and laughing lol! Then later followed diana/ weiting walk around awhile before going for wfl :)
Lol, super tired and my eyes are closinggggg... anyways had to call some people for camp usher duty just now. Haha, i felt so awkward/ embarassing/ weird?
care group :),
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 @ 10:29 PM
Care group tday :) Haha, we played Captains' Ball for games. And almost for th whole game, I just walk up and down lol. Firstly, it's too hot. Secondly, I'm too lazy :B
@ th end of cg, had farewell for Emily :) Haha, we kinda did a skit on like her character and th things she does for us. Yayyy, so sweet right :D Yeap, thank God for this wonderful sister in Christ!
Had lunch @ Macs with huiyi and weiting :) Yeah, then sat there and chatted for quite awhile before going home. And guess what I did when I went home... (very typical one) SLEEP LOL :D Haha omg, I think i super no life :X Whenever I stay @ home, it will always be sleep/ computer/ tv/ some other random thing. Then occasionally, th madman in my house (also known as my dad) will nag about how I'm wasting my holidays away, that I should pack my (messy) table, that I should start reading newspaper and th list goes on hahaha.
Anyways, tday have th new 9pm show on channel 8: The Little Nyonya. Uh actually I was quite interested in that show, since channel 8 like keep promoting it and stuffs, but th 1st episode didn't seem very appealing... (D:)
Youku is coolz :),
Monday, November 24, 2008 @ 2:43 PM
Haha, changed my blog skin! :D Yippee, I like this one.
Lol, have been watching videos all day on I love them, so nice/ interesting/ funny (: Btw, I wanna watch Beverly Hills Chihuahua!
And it suddenly dawned on me that November is gonna be over soon, means December is coming and soon, holidays will end... (which would be sad)
Last episode of 不凡的爱 today :/
Awww, th ending was so touching! (((:
Wisma > Marina,
Sunday, November 23, 2008 @ 10:03 PM
Haha, was slacking @ home in th morning. I woke up around 10am, then just keep lying there, falling asleep and waking up again till 3pm luh omg! I don't know how on earth I did that -.- haha, my handphone was keeping me company :)
Relatives came to my house in th morning to play mahjong (again). Noisy!
Bused to AMK Hub around 4pm to meet Sarah and Guixian :) Walked around awhile, then trained to Orchard > Wisma > Taka. Shopped for clothes. Went F21/ Max And More/ Cotton On/ Mango/ Levis/ Zara etc. Haha, I ended up buying 2 dresses from Max And More :D I love takopachi!
After that went Marina Square. Lol, gx & I run away from Sarah while walking City Link. Then we were just behind her, she also dunno! Supa funny cos she very blur/ retarded hahaha. Went Topshop/ Zara/ Mango/ Esprit etc. Yeah, and gx went to buy her clothes and all. There was Sesame Street characters like Elmo/ Cookie Monster etc @ Marina too, so cuteeee!
Had dinner @ Long John Silvers, then trained back to amk and followed Sarah go buy bag (: I saw this bag that I love which can be used both as sling & tote from Ink. I shall go back and buy, yayyy :D Lol, then went home around 9pm.
And my sis said my blogskin looks very polka dot! ): Whatever, she sucks haha. Bad comments = TIME TO CHANGE SKIN :) Shall go look for nice ones later!
church :),
Saturday, November 22, 2008 @ 9:48 PM
Went church tday (: Haha, got new Praise songs! Sermon on The Comforting Hand Of God was great!
Nothing too small for God to not notice, and nothing too bad that God can't handle! :)Lunch @ le meridien. Curry chicken rice is nice haha. Uctm after that, had worship. But i was veryvery tired cos I only slept @ 4am yesterday. Ugrhh, most of th time I sleep so late is not my fault. I went to bed @ 2am, but couldn't sleep until almost 4am :X
Hahaha, then after uctm went home with gladys and kaiying :D Yayyy, reached home pretty early and went to have a short but good nap before dinner.
Tday is an sccomplishment man, posted @ all 3 blogs - Blogger/ Wordpress/ Livejournal :D
@ 9:25 PM
Hello all, pls go to this website:, it's really accurate and cool :)
Happy birthday Mommy!,
Friday, November 21, 2008 @ 11:31 PM
Omgz, tday is a rlly tiring day and I'm rlly tired out ttm now :/ Slept @ near 2am last night, woke up at 9am, left house @ 9.45am, reached home @ abt 10.20pm. But nevermind, I just had a fresh bath and I'm more refreshed yayyyy :)
Met lydia/ diana/ weiting in th morning to do CIP at th Old Folks' Home. It's like we were maids for th day? D: Served th elderly pple lunch, then swept th floor (open area - dry leaves/ twigs/ dust). Euuw omg, so disgusting. Hate it, hate it, HATE IT. So, i spent half th time slacking, sitting down and watching th rest sweep hehe. Guess what, there was a window that can see us sweeping (which we didn't notice) and I think th CIP woman saw me slacking -.- Whatever, i h8 that disgusting gross tiring job.
Lunch @ KFC. Lol seriously, lydia and diana like 1 cat and 1 dog, can't stop quarreling one haha. But had funny conversations :) Then went back to th Old Folks Home, interacted with th elderly pple? Supa boring, plus I can't speak dialects. Pour pre-mix coffee powder into a big container + chat with diana > serve elderly pple dinner > did 6 hours of CIP tday! :D Btw, th CIP woman is horrible! We're here to do CIP, supposedly to help out, instead she said diana & i were HINDERING her work!!!! I think cos that wasn't much to do, but we kept going to th office to ask her what can we do -.-
Bus 853 to AMK for NE prayer mtg. Then near 7, trained to Dhoby Ghaut with some Northeast pple and I went for some ushers 4 camp mtg @ Burger King. Hehe, briefing > discussed/ planned stuffs etc. Yeayyy, ushering is so cool manz! And I'm so excited for HEROES :)
I felt quite bad when I reached home, like around 10.20pm? Cos it's my mom's bday tday. I thought that since we kinda celebrated on wed alrdy, so no celebration tday. I didn't knw that my dad bought apple strudel (to replace cake since my mom prefers it) to like sing bday song all that :X Yeahhh, then like everybody were waiting for my older sis and I to come home to cut cake! Ahh, i felt so bad/ guilty/ mean/ sorry/ unfilial :O But nvm, my sis is double of all that since she came home later than me lol.
cg > shepherds mtg,
Thursday, November 20, 2008 @ 10:13 PM
Bought textbooks already :) Walau, I think sch textbks damn ex now. For mine, is like altogether $240 like that! Lol, i bet it is even more ex for those triple sci lor :O My dad fetched me to sch to buy books, woah SNGS supa crowded, no where to park. Like th car park all packed with cars! Was wondering what is happening, until i remembered that tday is th release of PSLE results haha. Heard that top scorer in SNGS is 275 i think?
Care group @ new ricks house :D Yayyy, I love this new house luh. So much nicer and more spacious than th previous one! Yeah, cg was fun. After that, th whole care group followed me to some shop near AMK Hub that sells $5 jackets! Haha, veryvery cheap + worth it, recommended to me by Crystal Moh. Woah, I think every1 bought a jacket (different colours) each luh :O So coolz.
Rushed to somerset for Pastor Shirley 's shepherd meeting. Yeah, I think it was rlly good. I pray that God will expand my heart, to look @ th potential rather than th flaws in each person (:
Reached home almost 9pm, very tired. zzZ
"change" is th only constant...
@ 11:33 AM
Lol, Friendster 's working already :)
Mine has been dead for rather long? :X Wanted to upload pics to my Friendster just now, but since th webpage hanged or whatever happened, TOO BAD. I shall continue to leave it to die haha.
There's CCA camp next week, but I'm so not looking forward to it :/
Jesus is my best friend! (:
family day <3,
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 @ 11:01 PM
Urgh, another night of insomnia ytd :/ Went to bed @ 1.20am, but couldn't sleep only until 4am -_- But anyways, tday was a great day! :D
Lunched, then daddy fetched mommy/ Wan qin/ Wan er/ me to Kallang Leisure Park. Went ice-skating with Wan er and Wan qin :))))) Yeah, it was great fun. But i think th skating rink is quite small, then just keep going rounds and rounds... Lol, @ 1st I was quite scared that I 'll end up being a hopeless embarassing noobshit and spend 2 hours clinging on to th sidewall. Hahaha, but yayyy I wasn't that hopeless (: I spent around 15 min to familarise myself with th skates/ ice/ moving around, then stopped depending on th wall alrdy :DDDD
Anyways, my 2 younger sisters were hilarious. They fought in th skating rink yknow. I mean not like those kinda hate-you-forever fight, but playplay one, trying to beat/ push each other! Then they fell quite alot of times hahaha. Then later, they started collecting ice and moulding them into a shape of a snowball? (Maybe they wanted to fight with that, idk)
There were lots of kids/ children there, very cute! :) And I realised that they don't mind falling down and trying out new stuffs etc, unlike older pple who are scared of embarassment haha. Btw, there were quite a few pros skating, who were like very graceful/ fast/ twirl/ do stunts etc. And my 2 irritating sistas kept looking, finding faults with them whenever they (rarely) fell accidentally. Lol, idk what's their problem hahah! Btw, i fell twice while ice-skating and now I have an ugly bruise on my leg ):
Idk why, but i decided to wear my other specs (green/ half-frame) tday hehe.

After 2 hours of ice-skating, went to find mommy & daddy. Wanted to go th new Marina reservoir thingy or Terminal 3, but it was raining rather heavily :O So, we went to Junction 8. Shopped around there :)
Daddy went to fetch my older sis and th whole family went to have dinner @ some chinese restaurant to celebrate my mom's birthday in advance! Yayyy, dinner was great. Every1 ate till we were supa full haha :) Happy birthday (in advance) Mommy! Btw there was a wedding held @ th restaurant we were dining in. Omgz th bride is th ugliest (fat) bride I have ever seen. Bridegroom also very ugly. Hehe lol, hilarious.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008 @ 12:09 AM
1. I wanna do CIP, i only got like 30+ hours! And my disgusting shitty CCA has ZEEERRRROOO CCA points :/ My LEAPS points system is like a low single digit only. So far, most pple i asked about their LEAPS is like double digit luh :( I h8 infocomm! (All its fault) Btw somebody, go find CIP and do with me pretty please hehehe :D I can't rlly find any CIP so far :(
2. There are like 2775 unread emails in my Inbox :O I can't be bothered to go read hahaha.
3. Is there any holiday homework that I'm supposed to do?
I hardly block people on MSN, though I admit sometimes I don't pick up calls or hang up on (certain) people purposely :X But that's not th point, th point is:
I'm easily irritated. I seldom entertain irritating people. So all irritating people, pls stay away from me, BYEBYE!ice-skating tomorrow, yippeee! :)
CIP @ Old Folks Home :),
Monday, November 17, 2008 @ 7:01 PM
Slacked @ home and watched The Golden Path videos on Youku :) Yayyy, finished last episode already! Actually th finale abit weird, why did Kaijie die? :O
Hehe, went to do CIP in th afternoon (: Bus 855 with weiting, and met lydia @ Khatib. It as raining, then 3 of us had to share umbrella haha. Yeah, went to an Old Folks Home for CIP, can't rmb th name. Haha, my 1st reaction was "euuw smelly!", uh cos th Home was like Indian one. Most of th nurses working there or pple helping out all Indian, all th decos were like Deepavali etc too. But th elderly pple @ th OFH were a mix of chinese/ malay/ indian etc :D Lol, so being me, i spent quite some time commenting about th smell hahaha! :X
Weiting & I just sat @ th canteen, putting some newsletter into envelops. Woah, 1 guy keep printing and bringing alot of newsletters to us :/ Yeah, so quite boring having to fold th so many newsletters and put into envelops. Lydia was doing smth related to searching stuffs on th comp. I pity her having to stay in th office, means very smelly lol!
Th elderly pple had their dinner around 4.30pm, so weiting and I went to serve them food (: Hehe, i think it was quite fun and a joy to serve them food. Lol, then slacked around for awhile more before we left th Old Folks Home, went to walkwalk @ some pasar malam @ Yishun and Northpoint. Bought bubble tea, i <3 milkshakes!
Friendster? :O,
@ 12:11 AM
Hahaha, I think Friendster got some problem now :X I remember i got 200+ friends, now become 9?
Your friends list may be inaccurately displayed. Please be assured your friends list will be accurate soon. - Friendster Team
No wonder so many people's MSN personal message were commenting about Friendster being lousy, crap whatsoever hahaha. Uhm but actually i don't rlly care about it, since my Friendster is already dead! :)
Sunday, November 16, 2008 @ 9:04 PM
Woke up, then went back to sleep again till around 2pm :)
When i woke up again, I could already hear mahjong sounds. Yeah, my relatives + dad were playing mahjong. So irritating. Lunched, used comp and watched tv (: Funny show hahaha
Yeah, then around 6+pm went back to zzZ, till 7.45 pm. Woah, i feel like a pig tday! :X
Anyways my house is supa noisy now. With pple playing mahjong, plus 2 tvs switched on. 1 @ th front and 1 @ th back. I'm using desktop comp now, which is somewhere in th middle of th front and back. So i freaking have to hear all th tv echoes whatsoever -.- Pple watching tv @ th front & back are being idiots bcos they are watching th same channel and might as well watch 1 tv -_-
Ohhh, and my younger sista was also being an idiot tday, wearing a mask (cover mouth one) in th house? I bet she got some mad cow disease :)
i wanna go ice-skating, bowling, shopping!
God is good (:,
Saturday, November 15, 2008 @ 11:03 PM
Went for usher duty in th morning. Celebrated Jasmine's birthday (: Happy (belated) bday Jasmine! Ahha, and she so funny, make wish never close eyes one lol. Then service > p&w > sermon. Pastor Brendan came from Australia, and taught sermon tday :) He's quite funny, but i didn't rlly get what he was preaching :X It's like so cheem, about galaxy/ star/ earth/ solar system etc??? :O Anyways, praise God that Valerie received God into her life!
Lol after church, had lunch @ Le Meridien :) Funny hehehe. Then every1 went to Plaza Singapura, so i followed lor. Met sarah/ guixian/ yexin/ g.sijia on th way, so embarassing haha! Went to walk around @ PS with NED1. Haha, ashley & valerie wanted to play arcade and came out so angry that th aunty who changes tokens were so rude! Then many pple left, so remainder me/ liling/ huiyi. So we went Dhoby Ghaut and sat down near outside PC Bunk and chatted. Meichi & Kaiying came to join us ltr too.
Went for some ushers meeting around 6+ @ le meridien. Im on 3rd day for camp again. Actually i h8 to do that day, cos @ night got concert! Haha after it ended, went to have dinner @ Plaza Sing 's KFC with wenzhen :) Hehe chitchat, funny! Oh, while i was in th MRT on my way home, this indian man fainted! So scary! :O
DDDDD: Supposed to go ice skating family outing tmrw. But daddy got his mahjong khakis and pangseh us :/ Urgh, i think we're gna go on next tue/ thurs instead. I foresee my house to be supa noisy tmrw (mahjong) :O
Btw, thank God that I can go HEROES camp yayyy! Prayers work wonders, dad paid full sum $140 for me. God is awesome :)
Madagascar 2 + KBox <3,
Friday, November 14, 2008 @ 11:51 PM
Went for combined care group yesterday. Celebrated Ashley 's birthday! She's so cute, lol ;D Happy (belated) birthday Ashley (: Flouring games were quite cool, though I got quite dirty haha. All in all, it was fun yayyyy :)
Had to wake up veryveryvery early in th morning to go to sch. Didn't wanna go actually, but had to do PA duty for th awards thingy so no choice :/ @ 1at, I wanted to wait until th last part where they would give cert to th best in whatever subjects & overall best all that :) But unfortunately, somehow both Crystal and I fell asleep in th PA room. Hahaha, omg damn funny man. Luckily, th mics and all no problems, or else we would probably get killed :X I didn't know i was sucha light sleeper? Like Chaiyi walking up th stairs and i woke up when i heard them and faster woke Crystal up :) Very boring, so Crystal and I didn't stay for investiture, just left during th break heh :D Brunch (breakfast + lunch) @ Macs. Hehe i got a Melmon (Madagascar's giraffe) toy 4 Happy Meal :D So cutez.
Bused to AMK Hub, bought jacket & watched Madagascar 2. Haha it's hilarious! Think it's better than th 1st one :)

Crystak & I went to meet Cheryl & Shangmeei, went KBox! Haha, it was very fun and highhhhh yayyy (: Th songs were quite okay, @ least heard of them before. But it was very cold, and after KBox i owe Crystal alot of money ): Anyways there was this irritating waiter that was supa persistent that we buy th food -_- Kept bugging & asking & persuading & insisting blahblah. He even switched off our KBox & came back twice just to persuade us buy th food. Haha omgz, he is like th most thick-skin (irritating) person trying to promote smth i ever met luh! But finally, we bought luh lol -_- Hehe, but had fun @ KBox with Crystal, Shangmeei & Cheryl (:

Went for pm @ ricks ltr. It's like th last day before move house... Aww, then a xiao zar bor came to destroy th whole atmosphere haha! This auntie la, came up to complain that we too noisy, so many pple. Hehe very funny, she was like holding her heels and banging th window with it, shouting, scolding & quite aggressive! Lol.
new blog skin!,
Thursday, November 13, 2008 @ 12:36 AM
Changed blog skin :DDDDDDD
Mommy 's birthday coming O:
Shit, what to get!?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 @ 2:23 PM
Had to wake up early for stupid infocomm tday -_- I don't even know why I went for CCA can. Bcos th only thing we did was to stone and stare!? Boring ttm.
Paid $10 for CCA camp, which i predict/ foresee is gonna be absolutely a waste of time & money. Anyways for tday, other than sneaking to th canteen with Crystal to buy food, designing a few stickers for CCA fair next year, I just spent th rest of th 2.5 hours stoning/ staring/ talking/ drinking H2O/ whining about how tired and sleepy I am :D
Wow, what an "accomplishment" man! I hate CCA forever and ever and ever, full stop :)
All in all, I'm veryveryvery tired. Had to wake up early, walk to sch and back under th sun ):
East Coast Park! :D,
Tuesday, November 11, 2008 @ 10:38 PM
Met Grace @ Bishan in th morning. Bus 55 to East Coast Park with Grace, Charyl & her friend Eleanor :) And while we were walking towards East Coast, we saw Adrian Pang!!! Omgz @ 1st i wasnt sure if it was him, cos it was like @ a traffic light and we were like @ 2 different sides. Then when i saw more clearly, my 1st reaction was OMG THE 奶爸百分百 GUY!!!! :DDDDD Happyhappy yayyyy (:
There were droplets of rainwater here and there. So we decided to play @ th beach 1st. Haha camwhored together, so fun! :D

Then went to rent bicycles :) It was like $6 for 2 hours per bike. Drizzled a few minutes after we got our bikes -_- Then we were all hungry plus th rain was getting heavier, so had lunch @ Burger King and chatted!

We continued cycling after Burger King. But th rain was quite heavy already, so horrible have to cycle in th rain cos th water splashes. All th rainwater & dirt goes onto ur shirt. Yuckyuck! Then th 3 of them cycle so fast. @ 1st i tried to catch up, then th more water splashed onto me, so i just didnt bother about them and had fun MYSELF (@ my own pace) LOL :D
When we finally went to return bikes, we were alrdy drenched! Dried up and want waited for bus 401 for 40+ mins only to realise that it 401 only operates on weekends -_- So we took a taxi down to Parkway Parade and walked around there. I love Marks and Spencers food/ Coffee Bean/ chatted.
Yayyyy, tday was fun :)