Happy 15th :),
Monday, March 30, 2009 @ 10:01 PM
Hi, this is my wonderful picture-heavy, filled-with-gratitude & love, long birthday post! Hahaha :D My 15th birthday and I had a wonderful time with all my friends yay.
31 March; TuesdayMet Kaiying at amk Hub at abt 4 and trained to Orchard. Watched "He's Just Not That Into You" at Lido. Hahah, it was okay but there were some very distracting immature IJ girls in the cinema!

Thanks Kaiying for a great day today and the muffins u made for me and the lovely scrapbook! :D Yeah, rlly appreciate your effort and I love the scrapbook hehe.

30 March; MondayThanks to all who wished me 'Happy Birthday' / gave me b'day hug / presents.
Thanks (some) 3W+others and 3L for singing birthday song to me, though it was super embarassing hahaha. Oh, and merlyn sarah jiaxin for holding up a paper, written "Happy Birthday Wanyi", in
red outside my classroom :)
After school, cab to Jacks' Place and had lunch with jiaxin jemie guixian jiaxian & merlyn. Yupp, thanks for the treat and love yall! :D
Had NE cg, which was quite fun & cool @ ricks house. Oh, and was really surprised when kkc took out the cake & every1 started singing b'day song when prayer ended! Hahaha, I think it was the most successful surprise from all my b'day celebrations lol!
29 March; SundayMet up with Cheryl, Erica, Jolene & Shang Meei at Bishan. Then we went to Marina Square. Erica pulled me to go toilet, window-shopping etc while the others went to KBox first. Hahah, then the girls kind of surprised me when E & I went to join them at KBox as they started popping poppers & singing b'day song for me :) Ahhaha, ate cake and sang songs etc. Jolene & Erica went like crazy, screaming & dancing & everything hahaha. So SM, Cheryl & I got a good laugh and occasionally went 'high' with them lol (: Haha, KBox with the girls were super fun and hilarious! Left KBox around 5 and saw SM off, then went to camwhore at esplanade > singapore river. Hehe thanks for the celebration, especially since SM, C & J had pure geog test the next day!

28 March; SaturdayChurch in the afternoon. After that, Gladys pulled me go toilet, buy food etc. Met at 3+ at Istana with the care group. Hahah, at first they made me play some pass-the-parcel (plastic bag) game. And then purposely make the music stop at my turn. And I opened the plastic bag to find alot of rubbish (tissue, toy, pantiliner etc)! Haha, yeah so they took out the big heart-shaped Famous Amos cookie for me and started singing b'day song for me :) Yepp, the care group gave me a huge money box with lots of cards pasted on it too. Then affirmation + prayer (: Haha actually I knew the cg was planning to celebrate my b'day alr, still thanks yall! :D

27 March; FridayAfter sch, cabbed to Suntec with Crystal, Merlyn & Erica to celebrate Merlyn & my b'day (: Haha shopped around before lunching at Crystal Jade. And so freaky, cos there was this rather soft background music playing. All 3 of them could hear the soft music, while I couldn't! Seriously, I'm beginning to get worried for my O levels' listening compre :/
Lol anyw, then we went Wheelock and shopped around. Haha, then M. was like "Eh, why yall never sing us b'day song?" Woah and then Erica & Crystal started singing and singing the 'happy b'day' song manymany times. Then Merlyn & I were running away 'cause it was so embarassing, in public lol! Hilarious. E & C brought us to buy some small idk-what-it's-called as cake replacement, for M. & I (: Caught the 7+pm movie at Lido - Confessions Of A Shopaholic.
Hehe it was a great & funny movie. After movie, Merlyn being a bimbo who doesn't know how to take public transport brought us to take a wrong bus, and we ended up having to change bus & everything lol. Went Thomson Plaza's Starbucks to chill, chat, slack till 11+pm before home sweet home :D