Pasir Ris,
Sunday, May 31, 2009 @ 10:13 PM
Current interests:
Saturday, May 30, 2009 @ 11:06 PM
Lord, it 's in front of you that I can be who I really am, without worrying about acceptance & belonging. You see me through & through. In fact, you know me better than I know myself.
So it's with everything I am,
I reach out for your hand,
The hope that changed a second chance I've gained,
On you I throw my life, casting all my fears aside,
How could greater love then this, ever possibly exist
Hi June holidays!,
Friday, May 29, 2009 @ 8:56 PM
@ Junction 8's Cafe Cartel on wednesday:
(excluding Hanwen who was buying smth)

No school today. Woke up rather early to watch shows in the morning, then ate instant noodles which I'm so sick and tired of but was too lazy to buy packet food! Met Rebecca at town and walked around, waiting for Ailynn Crystal Wenting & Zioedy who were like in another part of town? Hahah, spent lots of time queueing up at Cotton On to try clothes and ended up buying a black skirt on sale :) Yeah and still, nobody is willing to buy the dress from Max & More with me!
Lol, then went for Serangoon for NE sports day. Played badminton, but the wind was very irritating today lol. Played bridge too hehe (: Then very smart kaiying suggested taking circle line to Marymount or smth then taking a bus home, which was supposedly faster. I agreed. Later on, we ended up at !?!?!?. Haha forget it, we took a cab home.
strive for the better!,
Thursday, May 28, 2009 @ 10:02 PM
Today was the last official day of school. But I think today was quite an unpleasant day for me :/ AMath and chem test was quite difficult.
Got back my report book. I prayed that my results for this term would either maintain or improve. Yeap, thank God that it improved and I got an L1R5 of 15 for this term (: However, I was quite angry with the teachers remarks. (I'm not embarassed to post it on my blog anyw)
"Wan Yi displays flexibility in adapting to changing conditions, and is not easily discouraged by setbacks. She can do better in her studies if she overcomes drowsiness during lessons, and disciplines herself to spend less time on the Internet. Wan Yi draws strong commitment from team members."
Uh actually I don't understand what the 3rd sentence means, but the 2nd sentence is like ?!?!?! Haha okay, I admit that I do sleep in class sometimes, but I'm definitely not the only one. Besides, I 'm quite proud of myself because I think compared to last year, I 've made a considerable improvement. Last year I really spend a lot of lessons time sleeping! I know sec 3 is an important year, cos it's kinda preparation for next year. That's why I try to pay attention, I at least make an effort to listen in class. I don't even talk much when the teacher 's teaching. Omg the part about disciplining myself to spend less time on the Internet is even worse. Yeah of course I use the Internet, but mostly only for blogging/ Facebook/ bloghopping/ msn/ assignments purposes etc. I 'm not even addicted to any online comp games. And fyi, all those are what normal teenagers do! I certainly don't think I'm using Internet to the extent that I'm neglecting my studies -.-
I really wonder how you came to the conclusion that I'm spending too much time on the net. Just because you read my blog? How shallow and superficial can that get? I mean it's ridiculous, how can you determine how long I use the comp for and whether for the right purposes just from my blog posts?! Anyw, it's not like I blog everyday, average only once in 2 or 3 days. Uh I don't know if you read my blog or not, neither am I trying to prove anything or attack anyone through this post, I just... don't quite like those remarks.
Oh well, happy holidays! :D
Ohya, visit
this haha. It 's a website on people who post about their unfortunate events
during their day. Abit vulgar/ sick at some parts (just ignore them), but still funny heh :D
Yesterday Today Forever,
Monday, May 25, 2009 @ 9:08 PM
I 'm currently constantly counting down for the arrival of June holidays. 3 more sch days! :D But on a heavier note, these 3 days would be really busy (NAPFA 5 items/ ting xie/ hcl mock exam/ AMath ct/ Chem ct/ eng test). But it's okay, I WILL SURVIVE! (:
Anyw, cab to amk library after sch with Charlyn today. Studied a teeny weeny bit before I fell asleep -.- Then ate @ macs and chatted abit before having this sudden urge to play bridge! (: So we sms karchian to kinda force her into buying us poker cards hehe. After eating, Charlyn & I didn't rlly know what to do. So walked across amk hub, in the hope of running into Northeast pple who might have cards. Haha by God's grace, we met Emily & some others @ food court and borrowed cards from her!!! (:
Before we even played 5 minutes of a card game, this rude cleaner came to scold us that we weren't supposed to gamble in the food court. She later added that we should go home to gamble and almost wanted to confiscate our cards (ah it's like so lame, this isn't a sch pls lol) :/
Haha, so we left and decided to head to a playground nearby to play cards instead. On the way, we jaywalked and got scolded by an old man... Finally reached a peaceful spot where we could play speed and bridge w/o pple disturbing us or accusing us of gambling. Lol, bridge is supposed to be a 4 person game. But since there was only 2 of us, so each of us represented 2 people and our partners have to be ourselves (: Hahaha cool way of improvising bridge eh! Then after 2 games, red ants invaded our pavilion and we moved again lol. Meichi & Karchian joined us after that, planned stuff related to cg before playing bridge again :DDDD
Hahah, today 's a real funny day (:
A typical Sunday ...,
Sunday, May 24, 2009 @ 9:42 PM
Sleep + eat + computer + AMath + 命中注定我爱你 + QT = Wanyi 's Sunday
Dunno if I should be :D / D:
Happy birthday Charlyn (:,
Saturday, May 23, 2009 @ 11:46 PM
Omg, this is the second time I dreamt that I woke up late and missed ushering duty! Hahah, lol I don't know why I have such weird dreams where I find myself waking up late and panicking like crazy -_- Then I 'll wake up in reality after that and find that I didn't wake up late in fact. Haha, nevermind @ least it makes me happy/ relieved (:
Yep anyway, church today was good. Rlly hope I would apply the sermon, to make intentional efforts towards my dreams/ goals (: Yeah I think I'm rlly a very forgetful person. Whenever I set targets/ goals, I 'll feel excited initially. But after awhile, passion fades away and everything is forgotten. Thus, there 're many things I haven't had the determination to achieve :/ 1 good example is my 2009 new year resolutions. Guess what, I can't even remember what are they!?
Hahah anyw, lunch after service and admin stuff. Celebrated Charlyn 's birthday after lunch (: Poor girl was still sick, so we didn't do anything weird/ unusual like blindfolding her or making her run whatsoever. Hahaha, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHARLYN! :D Love you like crazy and may God help you fulfil all your birthday wishes :) In advance (her b'day is tmrw) since the future is unpredictable and I might not blog tmrw. Ok super lame, shall post pics instead.

Walked around after Charlyn 's birthday celebration and we went to Plaza Singapura. UNCLE William Hung Yilin suggested going to Carrefour. Haha it was hilarious calling each other auntie/ uncle cos of our kiasuness lol. So we bought food there which was relatively cheap and ate + fellowshipped near PS (: