Tuesday, June 30, 2009 @ 8:41 PM
Outreach and lunch with sheepies after school (-:
Then caught the 4.40pm Drag Me To Hell show with Rebecca at Bishan. Hm, we were quite scared at first cos the GV commercials kept showing horror/ ghosts films! Haha, but the movie was okay la. Quite scary/ gross at certain parts and the sound effects were amazing. Amazing in the sense scary! :O The ending was rather unexpected. Shit, I realise whenever I watch scary or horror movies, I would unknowingly scold more vulgarities than I would altogether for a month ):

back to sch,
Monday, June 29, 2009 @ 9:18 PM
First day of school can be summarized in 1 word - BORING. And my bag was like a bomb super heavy! Thanks Bernice for the souveneir from London, uber cool! Anyway, I have decided that I shall study hard and smart, stay a low profile and do right & necessary things :) I think this term is gonna be a real hectic term so really needa spend my time wisely and learn to balance. Haha, I was bloghopping ytd when I read somewhere that we can be more grateful in order to be more joyful, which I think is really true. I mean, there are so many blessings to count in a day/ week/ month if we really think about it! Yeah, learning to give thanks and be grateful in every circumstance helps us to be happier, more joyful! Yay, thank God CCA stand down for a week (:
Yeah have fun (or at least try to) in school people!! :D
letting go, letting God
Sunday, June 28, 2009 @ 5:20 PM
I wonder who reads my blog... ...
I mean I 'm like here blogging, yet I don't really have any idea who reads my blog. That kinda feeling is so... URGH idk how to describe it! Everyone 's identity is anonymous in this advanced technology called 'World Wide Web' aka Internet. Hmm, but I'm really curious at times. (:
@ 12:12 PM
This is my 300th post and guess what I'm gonna post about?
I was sitting down comfortably watching a television programme in the morning when I suddenly realised/ remembered that
THERE IS SCHOOL TOMORROW. And that is definitely not a good way to start the day, aka
my last day of June holidays... ...
Saturday, June 27, 2009 @ 11:59 PM
Today 9.45am was the earliest I ever reached Cuppage! :)))))) Hahah, had ushering duty today. Standing behind Nexus during worship feels real good sometimes, seeing christians worshiping God and loving Him so much. I may not know every single one of them, but I know we 're serving the same God and it 's encouraging to know that you aren't alone (:

Had NE shepherds' meeting, and I felt quite refreshed after it :) Really pray that I 'll be a more persistent follower of Christ and never never forget why I'm doing ministry. Perseverance can develop our character, faith & skill!
Will you have the faith to believe in a neverchanging God even in the midst of everchanging situations?
After meeting, we wanted to get to The Prata House for dinner but we ended up walking a huge round instead. Haha, so our LEADER in leading us to the wrong way treated all of us to 1 prata! :D Gosh I realised it's been a really long time since I ate prata. I thought I dislike prata, but now I think actually I don't rly dislike it haha! Lol yea so eat and talk and take pix till near 10pm then took a bus home. Rest of the pics taken today @ facebook (:

yesterday (26 June),
@ 11:18 PM
Haha yesterday was the last day of job attachment! Crystal, Weilu & I went to the Kallang Bahru centre. Did some filing, packing and shredding paper. Omg I kept trying to push the shredding machine's limit by adding more and more paper... until it suddenly stopped! I was so scared paper jam cos in that case, it would be so embarassing since I heard it takes about 1-2hours to clear it! Wow thank God the shredding machine was just overheated. Lousy tsk haha.
The manager let us off earlier like around 3pm and she bought us ferero rocher chocs (: Heh, but still don't know if we get allowance cos none of us dared to ask! Haha trained to Harbourfront after work for ushers retreat. Gosh it was a real test of my patience man! I had to queue quite long alone for a $3 Sentosa entrance ticket. The tram and bus left before my very eyes, so by the time I reached Siloso beach alr around 4.30pm. Haha, and the worst was after arriving less than 10min, the rest alr had their fun and went to bathe, so I had to wait for them. Lol, then dinner @ Vivo 's Banquet > B&J.

Most pple left, leaving NE pple weiqi/ mingjang/ bertram/ me who stay to play bridge and walk around vivo. Halfway playing bridge, 1 of the cards dropped in between a tiny slit (or what do u call it?) so we decided that couldn't play alr. So guess what, we proceeded to threw all 52 cards into the slit!!!
Haha yesterday was indeed a tiring, yet fun & hilarious day :)
Day 2 torture,
Tuesday, June 23, 2009 @ 9:43 PM
Day 2 at My First Skool was spent cutting and laminating, cutting and laminating and more cutting and laminating. Equation: cutting + laminating = boredom!!! Ah well, at least we got to go out for a breather during lunch break today :)
On the bus home, a teenage guy dropped his chee cheong fan near his seat. I was quite blur at first and it took me awhile to realise what had happened. An auntie kept turning around to stare disapprovingly at the guy and the chee cheong fan. He, however kept fidgeting on his seat. I was seating behind him and I thought he was the irresponsible kind who would just leave the chee cheong fan on the ground. Then, the auntie which I thought was picky and kaypo, turned around to offer him tissue. I realised the guy 's hand was very dirty because he picked up the chee cheong fan from the ground.
That instant, I felt so unhelpful! I was alr holding on to tissue, but I was hesitant to offer to him as I didn't know him. Why do people always look on, yet do nothing! What, exactly is stopping us or holding us back? Is pride more important than helping someone in need?
day 1 torture,
Monday, June 22, 2009 @ 10:36 PM
1st day of job attachment @ Kallang 's 'My First Skool' today. Am I unlucky or unfortunate!? MRT overshot > alighted 1 stop before the destination > walk up & down 3 flights of stairs for nothing! -.- Urgh anyw, had to cab down to Clementi where there was an outlet in the midst of renovating. So instead of admin work, we had to move stuff, pack stuff, arrange stuff, cover the notice boards with paper etc. Woah gosh it's like cheap labour and we don't even get to rest much.
Haha once, I asked someone what else would I have to do, in the hope that she would reply "Oh, it's ok. You can rest for awhile (:" But guess the spontaneous reply?! ^^
Ok forget it, I shan't say much other than I WILL PERSEVERE :)
Haha so job attachment for today ended around 5+, then Crystal & I went Toa Payoh to catch 'Ghosts of Girlfriends Past'. Haha uh okok luh. Haha lol now I have a sudden urge to watch 'Drag Me To Hell'!!! :D After that, walked around TPY and bought cheap stuff like a top and sweets (:
Sunday, June 21, 2009 @ 5:08 PM
Thank God for mankind 's ingenious creation of ... ...
1. JELLY (esp grape)
2. YOGURT (esp strawberry)


To compromise is to settle for second best, to make a concession to smth detrimental, to reduce the quality/ value/ degree of smth. Don't settle for something substandard. Unleash your potential, stretch your limits and be the best you can be in God (: