Sunday, September 27, 2009 @ 11:19 PM
Exams start tomorrow and I still can't really get myself to settle down and study :///
I think my attention and concentration span is like only half an hour. And worse of all, I keep going to sleep after awhile.
Rly want to increase my reliance on God to help me survive through this exams. I can't do this alone (:
Anyway, I will not watch any tv during exams except for Singapore Idol.
Sunday, September 20, 2009 @ 11:03 PM
This week has been really fast plus tiring. But I feel rather accomplished because firstly, I managed to not sleep in classes at all. Secondly, I exercised 4 times this week and I ran about 2.4km each time :) Thirdly, I did smth which I thought I would procrastinate for v long before doing. Even though it's kinda not complete, but I promise I would by next week :)
Yep, church yesterday and for the 1st time in an extremely long time I was late for service cos I woke up late ): After that just felt rather out of place and lethargic, but rly thank God that sermon spoke to me and helped me to focus better (: Yea so many areas in my life that needs rebuilding. Just pray that prayer would be accompanied by actions!
Ate at Thomson Plaza today then dad fetched me to Bishan. Studied with Sharon Karchian Weiting Gladys & Yilin @ Cafe Cartel. Hehe it's a great place to study, especially since free flow of bread and water lol! Yep, studied till near 7pm then went Bishan stadium to joy 2.4km. Haha, did some breathing exercises taught by Sharon & Gladys which is rather strenous haha. Whoa really tired now, thank God that tomorrow is a holiday!! :D
Friday, September 18, 2009 @ 11:58 PM
Hahah, today I realised that my handwriting has been degrading over the years ever since primary 6! I remembered I used to love writing autograph books cos it was the graduation year. Instead of studying hard for PSLE, I would spent a whole day perfecting 4 to 6 pages of autograph, scrutinising every single detail so that mine would stand out. I used to derive a great sense of pleasure and self-satisfaction whenever I completed one. Ahhah, and I spent alot of money on shiny pens and markers that year. Sometimes, I look back and wish I had spent my time doing something more constructive. But I realise it's the little childish senseless things we do when we're young that makes up our childhood. It is a time of irrational and thoughtless behaviour, where consequences and pros & cons need not be considered. Hahah, sometimes I just wish I could go back to being a little young kid, when I would believe that the world is flat and nothing in the world can change my mind!
Anyway as EOYs approaches, it's gonna be a time of intense studying and mugging!!! Actually I've already started studying, but there always seems to be an endless list of revision to do ): God, help me be disciplined and study to my best!
Hehe, this is the horrifying state my table/ room is in currently in:

(this is my fav foolscap pad man)
Haha anyway, these are photos of many birthday celebrations that I forgot to post about!

NE shepherds retreat,
Sunday, September 13, 2009 @ 3:23 PM
I didn't feel like blogging because I thought I should spend the last 8-9 hours of holidays studying instead. Haha but I decided against that idea as blogging it down would help me remember and I can look back in future (((:
Retreat 10 to 11 Sep '09 @ NSRCC was greatttt! :) Had a wonderful & memorable time of fellowshipping with Northeast shepherds. We arrived @ the bungalow at around 3+pm...
checked out the place

gathered for afternoon games

proceeded to games

tug-of-war / handball / dodgeball

taking a rest after games

had dinner which consisted of catered food

and BBQ

Haha, we played ice breaker games over dinner and there were many many forfeits! Then had a sort of impromptu "NE talent time" where some uh talents entertained everyone through dancing and singing :D
Afterwards, had a refreshing time of praise & worship and teaching on righteousness. I feel really privileged to be serving with such an awesome bunch who love God so much. During worship, I was quite encouraged as I recalled God's unfailing love for every single individual, including me. Through it all, He 'll always be there for me (: I pray that I would continue serving with courage and obedience. I want to give my best to a God who is worthy and deserving!
Celebrated Gideon's belated birthday, where everyone pooled $$$ to get him an Ipod Touch (: I believe he was very touched haha. Shepherds appreciation: hand-designed Ikea pillow + affirmations!!

night game from 2+am to 4+am

Saturday, September 12, 2009 @ 11:51 PM

Wednesday: Ritz apple strudel in the afternoon & metamorphosis @ night!
Thursday-Friday: Northeast Shepherds Retreat
Saturday: Church
PS: I just realised I didn't really make use of this September holidays to study. In fact, I didn't even study much :/ But it's alright, every single day spent was v enjoyable, especially shepherds retreat!! Blog more about it tmrw :)