This Is It,
Friday, October 30, 2009 @ 11:47 PM
We all met in town yesterday and caught this movie @ 4.30pm (:

Had dinner @ some HK cafe after the movie before going home :) Didn't really accomplish any studying for chinese yesterday since I only completed 1 practice paper...
Anyway, got back PPR today! I think my parents are blind to my improvement of FOUR PERCENT during EOYs. They keep saying no difference!! Omg do you know how hard I studied and how precious that 4% means to me! Hahah, but nevermind at least I'm quite satisfied with my results :)
random rants,
Tuesday, October 27, 2009 @ 10:48 PM
Oh man, Secondary Three life sucks! It's back to lessons for us now, back to struggling to keep awake and attempting to pay attention to whatever the teacher says. Whats worse is there is some weird weather going on now that's super warm and humid, which makes concentrating even harder! ONE DAY if I remember, I'm so gonna bring an electric fan to school, lots of ice coffee to keep me awake plus many many sweets! :)
On a lighter note, I changed my blogskin a few days ago. Prefer this to the previous one, but the font size 's abit small though. Can't be bothered to stare at lengthy html codes to change the font size... so meanwhile BEAR WITH THIS tyvm :)
Anyway, things to note for self:
1. Chinese O' levels on 10 Nov - PLS STUDY
2. Family going on holiday next week without me since I have lessons - XIAN
Sunday, October 25, 2009 @ 8:33 AM
Hope is a belief in a positive outcome related to events/ circumstances in one's life. Hope is the feeling that what one wants is obtained or that events will turn out for the best. Hope can be "small" or "big", ranging from maybe a bald person hoping to grow hair to another person hoping to impact the world. Hope can allow a disheartened person to persevere. It's true that if you don't hope, you won't get disappointed. However, then, you lose the meaning of life. Never ever, ever lose hope (:
Psalm 31:24 Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.
Saturday, October 24, 2009 @ 11:39 PM
This week has been a pretty exciting week! :) Since I've nothing better to do now, I shall blog about it haha.
MondaySch holiday (: Attempted to read chinese stuff @ Woodlands library with Crystal and Erica. Hahah, 30% success for me. Crys was reading traveling guides and peeping at some1's drawing haha then Erica watched Gossip Girls lolllll! Merlyn came then we went over to Crys house condo to slack and gym. Long bus ride home then watched dramas :)
TuesdayPepperlunch with family then KBox with Crystal, Wenting, Ailynn, Rebecca & Zioedy! :) I love KBox haha, super high and fun. However it was freezing cold and we couldn't increase the temperature. Spent a really great time singing/ shouting/ eating whatsoever with all of them haha :) Pix up when Ailynn passes me my thumbdrive!
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday was returning of end of years results. Yep, really really THANK GOD FOR MY RESULTS! :D I improved for quite a few subjects, especially my math and sciences! Yep, rlly glad that I trusted in God during the exam period and in return God blessed me so so much :)
Had cgg on wednesday, very good time of fellowship spent with the cg. Hahah, and video of Hanwen's Nobody forfeit is up on Facebook lolllll! :D
Today was church and even though it was an extremely busy + packed day, I still found joy in serving God and rlly thankful that I was finally able to SIT DOWN when I reached home!
On a random note, my sister got a rabbit today :/ I don't like pets, especially such a big furry creature!
i love chess :),
Sunday, October 18, 2009 @ 12:13 PM
Friday games carnival was horrible, total waste of time! Haha, I think I spent 3/4 of the time trying to find a comfortable position to sleep. Thank God wouldn't need to go for it anymore next year!! :)
Church yesterday followed by combined admin mtg. Yay, means camp is coming and I believe it's gonna be awesome! Haha, went to meet my mum and sister @ OG to buy some stuff before going home. Grandparents and cousins came over to play mahjong while I took a 4h nap :D Haha, I think I've been sleeping alot ever since the exams period. Prior to that I've been really sleep deprived. Serious, my sleeping hours everyday almost never exceeds 6h!
Played chess yesterday night for about 2h. Hehe I think chess is a wonderful thought-provoking & mind-stimulating game. Shall play more of it next time! (: Then watched 'Easy Fortune Happy Life' from 1am to 4am.
Ohyea, just remembered that there's no school on Monday and Tuesday. Great! On a heavier note, I think I've gotta start reading up on chinese since CL O's is approaching :/
The More I Seek You,
Friday, October 16, 2009 @ 11:53 PM
The more I seek you
The more I find you
The more I find you
The more I love you
I want to sit at your feet
Drink from the cup in your hand
Lay back against you and breath
Feel your heartbeat
This love is so deep
It's more than I can stand
I melt in your peace,
It's overwhelming

God is the answer,
@ 11:45 PM
I am convinced that as long as more than 2 people live on this planet earth, conflicts and disagreements would never cease to exist! Maybe it's in human nature to be quarrelsome or simply just trying to protect self interest, but I kinda find the amount of disagreements we often get into, is endless. It can range from a squabble between siblings over toys, to quarrelsome youths, to adults in the competitive world picking on each other. Small disagreements unresolved may even escalate into bigger problems, which may just worsen everything.
I believe God is the answer and His Church is the solution to all these conflicts and disagreements. It is where we learn to forgive, just like how Christ forgave. It is where we learn to accept others, just like how Christ accepted the flaws in us. It is where we learn to love people, just like how Christ first loved the imperfect us. It doesn't mean putting an end instantaneously to all conflicts and disagreements, but at least, it's a start (:
After exams!,
Thursday, October 15, 2009 @ 3:03 PM
Went to Ailynn's house with Rebecca yesterday. Haha, watched abt 3 episodes of 'Easy Fortune Happy Life'. I've been waiting to watch it ever since the Sept holidays! Yep, later Rebecca & Ailynn used comp while I slept.
Ailynn & I went woodlands stadium to jog at around 7pm. Omg the track sucks! Lol it's filled with humps and holes everywhere. I think I tripped more than 5 times? Haha, but that didn't stop us from jogging cum walking 8 rounds (((: Walked to Causeway Point for dinner @ Yoshinoya then waited for Crystal Erica Merlyn Jolene. Supposed to play tennis @ Crystal's but courts were fully booked so went near Ailynn's house for basketball. Played only half an hour before someone came to lock the area. So camwhored instead till 10pm then dad came to fetch me! :) Yesterday was really relaxing compared to the examination period of intense mugging.

When I reached home, I learnt about something that was quite bothering... I feel quite burdened for her and it never came across to me what she had been doing. It came to me as quite a shock that at such a young age, they get into so much trouble. During quiet time, I prayed for her and really hope that she would change for the better.
special in your own way (:,
@ 12:47 AM
Hahah, I like to daydream.
Sometimes, I like to live in a world of my own.
Every human being is specially created, unique and special in their own ways. I'm different, and so are you (:
Tuesday, October 13, 2009 @ 10:38 PM
Haha, came across this article on the recent PSLE Math paper, which many parents claimed to be rather difficult! They mentioned 1 of the question, which I think is absolutely crazy!
"Jim bought some chocolates and gave half of it to Ken. Ken bought some sweets and gave half of it to Jim. Jim ate 12 sweets and Ken ate 18 chocolates. The ratio of Jim’s sweets to chocolates became 1:7 and the ratio of Ken’s sweets to chocolates became 1:4. How many sweets did Ken buy?"Haha, I've always hated ratio questions and what sweets & chocs super confusing luh :O I spent like dunno how long on the question, re-reading and re-reading, drawing models, comparing ratios, basically just short of using the dumb trial & error method lol. Finally, I solved the question using simulateous equation and my trustworthy calculator! Fyi, we only learn simultaneous equations in like sec 1 or 2 leh. LOL in the eyes of those poor PSLE students, 'x' and 'y' aren't algebraic terms representing unknowns, they are just mere alphabets. Speaking if algebra, who on earth came up with that?!
Guess what...,
@ 9:23 PM
That is a huge relief! (: I've been looking forward to this day for ages, but I seemed so unexcited and unaffected so far... ... Maybe it's because I found this week's papers rather difficult lol. AMath was quite hard and I already minus 20+ marks! Today's lit was even worse. I spent almost 1/4 of the time recovering from shock of the incomprehensible passage, leaving me with v little time to answer the question (Not like I had much to write anyw).
Hmm, but nevermind EOYs are over :)))) Went to Ion with Yexin to walk around after today's exam. Then met Kaiying and Baoer in town to eat and chat. Yep, today was fun and I'm so gonna replenish my sleeping insufficiency asap haha!
2 more papers!,
Friday, October 9, 2009 @ 9:16 PM
Yay, really thank God that I survived this week! This week is supposed to be the killer week with all the killer papers that kill brain cells with all that memorising. Haha, I have always believed that our brain space is limited and can only store information up to a certain level before it reaches its maximum capacity lol. So it's really a miracle that I managed to squeeze so many subjects into my brain hehe :) And like what I told Rebecca today, I feel rather knowledgeable after studying so much!! Ahhaha, yeah but I guess what matters most is the sense of accomplishment I feel and I 'll leave the exam results in the mighty hands of God!
4 more papers!,
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 @ 12:18 PM
Exams ending next Tuesday, still have Bio, E-Geog, A-Math and E-Lit to go! Haha I had a sudden urge to burn all my books immediately after exams, but I reckon my parents would just kill me for having to buy new books lol. So I shall be a considerate citizen instead of contributing to production of CO2 hehehe!
Have been going home early and having afternoon naps recently which is extremely relaxing (((:
Sharon's bday celebration, Saturday

Forgiveness stands,
@ 11:37 AM
Sometimes, I just can't help but thank God for His attributes, for always being so patient and forgiving towards the errs that we human beings make. For the many times that we stray away, many times we sin consciously, many times we ignore His calling. Yet, He still chooses to forgive us, forget our sins, and no longer hold them against us. I am convinced that it is by God's grace and forgiveness that our sins are washed away and we can become a friend of His (((:
Although we fail, the Cross prevails!
Friday, October 2, 2009 @ 11:22 PM
From FML:
"Today, I was in a video chat with an old friend who I haven't talked to in years, and my mom walks in. The first thing she says is, "Did you close the toilet after you pooped? Cause today on the news I heard that your poop particles can fly up to 25 feet, landing on your toothbrush."
"Today, on Facebook, I realised I had over 500 friends. I told my one friend and she changed her status to "How can Dan have over 500 Facebook friends? Nobody even likes him." There were 42 likes, and 20 comments that said agreed."
"Today, my crush was talking to me on Facebook. He said, "Did you know that 99% of the time a guy is talking to a girl it's because he wants to go out with her?" Yeah well, this is that 1%"Hahaha, and a lame joke I heard on 98.7FM...
Question: What did the pao1 (bun, yknow that white kind!) say?
Answer: I gotta
feeling (song by BEP)
my joy is complete in You,
@ 10:44 PM
Lol, I casually went to check my blog counter just now and I'm quite amazed by what I found out: THAT THERE ARE ACTUALLY HUMANS STILL READING MY BLOG HAHAH (and that includes YOU if you're reading this now)! I mean I thought I would just let my blog die and wallow in self-pity (haha). Besides I thought nobody reads my blog, especially since it's exams period, and I'm like just posting for myself?
In any case, exams have been fine so far. No, actually that is an understatement. The papers this week have been pretty tough, especially SS, English Paper 2 and Chinese Paper 2. In fact, that's almost everything but whatever you get my point. Haha, I have to admit that I've never been more awake and concentrated in class these few days, since every single second in an exam is priceless. I think time management is really important for me, and is an area I seriously need to work on because I'm forever lagging behind others... But the prayers I make before every exam is rather useful and it gives me some form of assurance (((:
Yep, anyw had lunch with Yexin and Jiaxian at NewYorkNewYork yesterday. Food was good and it was kinda relaxing after the energy-consuming, nerve-wrecking Mathematics paper. Had cgg after that and although it was quite short, it was real fun getting together to chat, laugh and encourage one another in the midst of exams :)
Last week, Yilin's birthday:

2 weeks ago, after jogging @ Bishan stadium: