I hate monkey,
Sunday, November 29, 2009 @ 6:11 PM
Haven't blogged in quite some time so here are some updates lol. Most of my time spent at home is on tv or reading Twilight, which I still haven't finish cause I think it's a great book and I'm gonna take my time to indulge in the world of vampires haha.
Walked around and had lunch at Junction 8 on Thursday with my family. Was supposed to go for class gathering in the afternoon, but realised that my mum lost some card thingy so I had to go find and all -.- Finally went home to look for it and omg wth it's at home! After that I was quite pissed that I went to sleep and forgot about the class gathering. Only woke up around 6+pm so decided to give class gathering a miss. So sorry people!! :/
Had Northeast picnic on Friday. Met up quite early with Gladys and Meichi to buy food for the picnic before heading to Sengkang. Haha 2nd time taking LRT and we got horribly lost! Yep, although it rained halfway but still enjoyed it (: God is still good whether or not there's rain yeah! Heh, and water bomb/ gun/ buckets at the end was pure crazyness lol!!
Ohyeah, there's smth I have to mention! The stupidest, wildest, most shocking thing happened on Friday morning. Since I woke up rather early that morning, I was the only one awake in the family. I opened the back door of my house and went to the backyard, back-facing my house.
Seconds later, I heard abit of noise from the house, took a quick glance and disregarded it.
Minutes later, I turned around to return to the house and once I stepped in, I got a huge shock! There was a
MONKEY IN MY HOUSE, eating the papaya my mum bought the day before!!! The monkey was rather fat, (must have been stealing many pple's food) and of course scrambled away when it saw me. But unfortunately, that wasn't the end of it. During the few moments I took to recover from shock,
THE MONKEY CAME BACK!! Omg and this time it stood only several metres away from me and we were uh, staring at each other (haha that monkey has bigger eyes than me lol). I don't know why I stared at it, I guess I was still in shock and it's human nature to stare lol. Then that animal started to approach me cautiously. That moment, I felt like it was gonna be my last day on this world. The monkey's gonna pounce on me, attack me and I'm gonna be defenceless and helpless ): However, somehow part of me summoned up whatever left of the scared-stiff me, and pushed a chair towards the monkey!!! Thank God, it succeeded, the monkey ran away!!! Huge sigh of relief and I hurriedly closed the back door, not gonna risk having the monkey return again lol.
I hate that monkey and I hate the horrid experience. By the grace of God, I survived yeah haha. Actually now thinking back, I don't know why I didn't scream or run away? Haha but anyw I wouldn't have been able to outrun the monkey and it's so stupid to be chased by a monkey in your own house right lol! I've never liked pets or animals of any species, not even the gentle harmless goldfisheys and this experience further substantiates and justifies this dislike towards animals!
Against the clock,
@ 1:11 PM
Time is always the best test. A test for how much my faith can go, a test of my perseverance & endurance, a test against the work of the devil. There are many good things in life, but what I want is more than those things that can give me a temporary thrill or pleasure. I'm greedy, for things that will last and survive the test of time. I'm praying, that I would be wise enough to choose to invest my time, money, efforts and life, into something that would be worth it. Something that would be able to stand even as temptations and corruptions come :)
I've always been curious about the future. What would I be doing 20 years down the road? What would Singapore be like 20 years down the road? What would the world be like 20 years down the road? All these questions contain so many uncertainties, mystifications & unpredictabilities that have to be considered. But one thing I can be sure and positive about is God will never change. God will definitely stand the test of time. :)
still sick :/,
Monday, November 23, 2009 @ 10:15 PM
Last Saturday was my mum's birthday :) My family celebrated together with my grandparents at a chinese restaurant :) Haha, the food was good and we all had an extremely filling dinner! After dinner, we went home, where my grandparents and siblings played mahjong whereas I went for a walk with my parents around the neighbourhood because we were bloated, and well, aid digestion. Haha, I passed by my old child care centre, which has now closed now, and in its place are well-developed semi-D housings. Hahah, I still vaguely remember the rough routine during my time at the child care centre and it used to be so much fun! :D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM, HOPE YOU HAD FUN! (:Heh, Sunday was the Sec 4 's prom night and Crystal, Nerissa and I were @ Raffles City Convention Centre as well to take video as well as music, powerpoint etc. I was quite anticipative and looking forward to it, but when we got there, there wasn't really much to do! And the prom programme itself was horribly boring, except for the walk-in part and the dinner I guess? The rest were just speeches by all the important people and singing of songs -.- Makes me think twice about whether to attend prom next year... ... Haha but looking on the bright side, it was quite fun looking around and spotting Sec 4s in their pretty dresses, hair-dos and make-up etc! Took some photos with some seniors and teachers, upload tmrw ^^

Anyway, even though I'm sick, I've been eating alot of good food these few days. Omg so sinful right!! Heh, nevermind I'm gonna go jogging tomorrow morning. Hope to build up stamina and speed! (:
Today 's MWC was rlly cool, learnt a great deal about 'fruit of the spirit'! :)
Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Woah, really so many areas to grow in during this holidays, especially fruit of the spirit and F.A.T.S.!! Lord, may You grow me and shape me more during this time, into someone who has Your heartbeat and passion!
jogging + baking,
Friday, November 20, 2009 @ 11:52 PM
Feel so accomplished today. Woke up at 6+am and met up with Jemie & Guixian to jog @ Bishan Park :) Haha both of them cheated me into running 3km!!! Once past the 2km mark, I was like nagging at them to stop every few hundred metres but I have no idea why I succumbed to them lol. Heh, walked to the hawker centre near sch for breakfast after jogging. Actually, I'm beginning to enjoy waking up early to jog & all that, feel like I didn't waste the day away sleeping (:
Went home to watch some drama before going over to kc 's house to bake cookies :)

Hahah, the cookies turned out uh rather burned but still edible :) Yea never knew baking was such hard work! Thank God for all of ya, especially Yilin, you'd make a wonderful chef haha :D
In the world, not of the world, influencing the world!
3 weeks!,
Tuesday, November 17, 2009 @ 11:59 PM
"Misery" has several meanings. 1. Wretchedness of condition or circumstances 2. Distress or suffering caused by need, privation, or poverty 3. Great mental or emotional distress 4. A cause or source of distress
Let me redefine the term "misery", make it simpler and apply it into my situation...
It's only the first day and I'm already in great misery :/ I still have 3 more weeks to survive on my own before my maid comes back :/ Gosh, I'm so beginning to appreciate the quality and accessibility a maid brings about! If I have a choice, I think I would rather go through exams again. Ah well, I did this before (TWO years ago) and shall have faith in myself! :) On a side note, the "misery" thing was just exaggeration + crap, so yeah ignore me.
Anyw, I started off today quite well. Woke up at 7am to jog with Jemie and Guixian :) Actually, I spent most of the time walking but I walked for quite a long distance, so it still counts as exercise. Haha, had a great time chatting and laughing about our embarassing parents as well lol. It was quite an interesting and funny topic lol. Anyw, I always thought Singaporeans were quite peaceful folks, like they just would choose the easy and simple way. But today morning's conversation proved otherwise hahaha LOL.
Body Worlds,
Monday, November 16, 2009 @ 8:56 PM
Haha, I know this is like really really slow, but yeah I've just started reading Twilight. Hahaha, I think it's quite interesting and hopefully my interest wouldn't die out halfway. I mean since I haven't read books for ages hehe.
Oh, anyway I went to The Science Centre with my mum and siblings today. Went for the Body Worlds exhibition thing and it was such an eyeopener!! :) It was quite interesting to see the preserved body parts and the way in which they explained how the body ages. Like starting from conception, to teenager, to adolescence, to old age and lastly passing away. Yupyup, really cool, but a pity that photography wasn't allowed :/ Hehe, then ate at MacDonalds. We ate 4 set meals to get more Monopoly tokens, but still didn't win anything ):

Sunday, November 15, 2009 @ 10:21 PM
I read these on FML, so funnyyyy lol!!
Today, I returned home for the first time in a year, and found my entire computer missing. I asked my grandma about this, and she told me that she threw the "tv" away because it "no longer responded to the remote control".Today, my six year old daughter asked me if the tooth fairy was real. I said yes, and she said she wanted to try to catch her. Later, she pulled out a tooth and put it under her pillow. I came in to take out the tooth and replace it with money. There were mouse traps behind her pillow.The comments on it were very witty too, read
Holidays are here and it has been long anticipated!! :) Although this year end holiday is somewhat shorter than the norm due to Sec 3 hol. lessons, I kinda really "appreciate" this holiday :) I have to say that Sec 3 schooling life was veryvery busy and much different from lower secondary. But I'm glad that I tried, and I survived. 2009 has kinda been a wake up call for me. Haha during lower sec, I was like playing and sleeping most of my time away :/
Yep, next year is gonna be a year filled with changes in various areas of my life. Have been thinking about them recently. Looking forward to some changes yet also having doubts/ worries about some... But one thing I learnt during QT recently was to entrust my plans to God :) It's pointless worrying and fretting over things which I have no control over, so I think a wise choice would be to let go and let God take control. But of course, this does not mean complacency and not caring at all. It's always good to plan ahead, as well as accompany planning with prayer! :D