It's 32-degree C!!,
Sunday, January 24, 2010 @ 5:31 PM
Haha I feel like going shopping now but I'm lazy to go out and don't want to spend money! The weather recently has been horrendous. It's so crazy hot that I think the whole Singapore's gonna melt soon!
I completed an English essay today on image. I really lack of creative juices and can't do one-word essays la! I don't understand how there is just ONE word given and we poor students have to rack our brains to write about it. I mean the one word is too general and even worse since some words have double or triple meanings!
After doing essay for one hour, I spent about two hours watching 下一站,幸福 (note the ratio -.-). Gosh, it's like so sad. I hate those wishy washy parts when 1 of the lovers tries to leave the other supposedly for his/ her own good, like getting some terminal disease and not wanting the other party to be sad if they die blah blah! That is rubbish! Everyday you live life not knowing whether you will die the next day. Please lor, don't even need to die of terminal disease. Anything can happen, maybe get knocked down by a car or assassinated or 2012 brought forward whatsoever. So if you don't want your loved ones to grieve over your departure (which is extremely unpredictable), everyone might as well build caves and isolate themselves for life?! Haha this is so stupid!
thoughts over the week,
Friday, January 22, 2010 @ 11:53 PM
This week has been quite a fun, yet tiring week. Tiring because I had to wake up early in the morning for morning PA duty so lack of sleep. Fun because I celebrated a few friends' birthday as well as went shopping :) Went for prayer meeting just now and feel rather refreshed to be able to put aside everything else and just worship God :)
Today, I randomly suddenly began to think of this year ahead. I've decided that I'm going to study hard for O' levels, work hard towards my ideal L1R5 that will hopefully get me into 1 of the top 5 JCs and after O's, I'm going to learn the language French as well as watch dramas that I've been missing out so much on!
In secondary school, I think there were two choices that I made that up till today, I still have my misgivings or maybe even regrets about? The first was to quit hockey and change CCA to Infocomm Club, which is basically a slack loser CCA that I don't really benefit from. It's not that I love hockey or what, but I think at least I had fun and I kinda miss the feeling of holding that hockey stick... ... The second was to take up 3rd language (French) but not taking it seriously. Lessons were twice a week for 2 hours each lesson. Every time, I would just spend 1h sleeping and the other hour dreaming or paying attention. So obviously, I flunked all my French tests and subsequently dropped 3rd lang. Omg looking back, I can't believe I slept during French lessons because all the students there are from elite schs and it was so embarassing!
Now, I want to take up the language French but I would obviously not have time, so that will have to wait till after O's. Both stupid choices I made was in Sec 1, which just reflects how rash and immature I was then :/
On a happier note, I'm currently watching 下一站,幸福 which is really nice and Vaness is so hot in that show! Haha :) Gdnight!
Week 2,
Friday, January 15, 2010 @ 11:30 PM
Yay, feel so good after nap and a bath :) This is only the second week of school and it has already been so draining! So deprived of sleep la! Anyway school has been quite okay thus far, with the exceptions of increasing workloads plus tests, uh which makes it not okay actually lor?
Haha nevermind, at least AMath trigo test is over (: But actually I realised for Sec 4, any tests that is over doesn't really makes a difference. Because after it's over, that will still be an "endless supply of tests" waiting for you! -.-
Have been planning to start watching Gossip Girl (season 3), hai pai tian xin and Autumn Concerto since forever but just can't find the time )))):
Ohyeah. During biology class today, the teacher showed us a (gross) video on childbirth. Heh, especially the part where the doctor cuts the umbilical cord so euuuw! Haha but it's fascinating how a new life emerges just like that. I used to have a dream that I miscarried and cried like forever, but no that's never gonna come true. And talking about bio, I just remembered that I have a test to revise for. Bye, nightz :)
good good day,
Monday, January 11, 2010 @ 9:21 PM
Haha I 'm actually super busy now but I 'm still gonna blog! Anyw today was such a good day for me, really very thankful to God! :) The majority component of my happiness comes from my
A1 FOR CHINESE! Omg it's such a relief to know that I got my first A1 for O levels haha :) So glad that I entrusted my results into God's hands and He never fails me!
Other small little things that made my day was getting $200 cheque for good progress award, giving a few belated b'day presents (as the saying goes, more blessed to give than to receive), having a filling lunch with Rebecca @ J8, buying a cheap top from Cotton On and getting a good nap! :)
Anyway I felt so happy when the St.Nicks Sec 4s '09 got back their results. There were like twelve people with 10 A1s and SG top scholar with 11 A1s!! Serious omg, I can't believe it?! :O But St.Nicks overall MSG dropped from 9 plus to 10 plus though :/ Haha nevermind, I believe Sec 4s '10 will bring it back up! :) Haha, congrats to everyone who got back results and thank you God!
Sunday, January 10, 2010 @ 5:02 PM
Whoa, this week is over so fast! There's so much homework to complete and tests to study for that I don't even feel like this is the first week of school. But I guess this is (sad) life of a Stnicks sec four :/
Anyway, I had to stay back for sec 1 campfire plus meet the parents session on Friday night. Suddenly realised that time really passes so fastttt, I still can remember getting back my PSLE results when I was 12 years old. Oh and recently, I found a card my P6 form teacher (Mdm Toh) wrote us and she encouraged me for PSLE with this quote...
You don't need anyone to believe in you in order to achieve your goals - you just need to believe in yourself.
Haha so sweet right. Mdm Toh's one of the teachers I remember most because of her bubbly and uplifting spirit, even though I'm an ingrate who have never visited my pri sch after graduation lol.
Yesterday, we celebrated Weiting's birthday at Astons. In the process of lighting the candles for her cake, I actually burnt my nail -.- Thank God I have long nails for protection and only a small part got burnt, but that's bad enough. Lol my nail smelt of chao da. Immediately cut off the small burnt part upon reaching home before joining my family to celebrate my younger sis b'day :))))

Can't wait to start on Gossip Girl season 3 but can't seem to find time :S On a heavier note, O level results tmrw :O Best of luck to all those getting back results, including my chinese!!! :)
Thursday, January 7, 2010 @ 8:58 PM
O level results will be out on 11Jan, which means I will get my chinese O level results on that day too. Ahh, praying hard for A1!!! :) Yeah, and hope St.Nicks does really well this year so we will get a school holiday :D
Waking up for school everyday is so torturous. It's only the first week of school and I'm getting less than six hours of sleep a day :/ And taking public transport is frustrating, major waste of time.
Lol anyw I was on my way to school a few days ago and I suddenly thought of becoming an old person haha. Then I can retire and stay at home and everyday and live on CPF. Besides, Singapore quite efficient one right. Have quite a lot of privileges and incentives of being senior citizen. Take public transport also will have people give up seat to you haha. Okay, then again, I wouldn't exactly want to become old so soon. Haven't got to enjoy my youth yet hahah!
Back to school,
Tuesday, January 5, 2010 @ 11:46 PM
Yesterday was the first day of school! Whoa, it's only the first few days of school and the teachers are already talking about O levels already! Lol, they keep saying how little time we actually have and having to study extremely hard etc. It's quite depressing to hear that on the 1st few days of sch? Omg and so fast next week have like 2 or 3 tests!!! :O Okay that's it, the lessons part was still okay and I'm trying very hard to pay full attention in class now. Not that hard considering the fact that I have a prime seat, that is, middle in the 2nd row plus surrounded by many councillors haha :)
CCA starts so soon! I was still hoping that this week would be freeeee... ... Anyway, I MUST rant about St.Nicks' current sch location @ Bradell. Omg it sucks. It is so small and old and dusty and gross! I cannot emphasise enough on the small part. The canteen and toilet is suffocating. I would never want to enter the toilet unless of emergencies.
Worst of all, my dad is not fetching me to school anymore :/ He has been fetching me to school everyday for nine years, WHY CAN'T JUST FETCH ONE MORE YEAR RIGHT LOL!!! Ok nevermind I shall be positive and be thankful that he fetched me to sch for nine years :) Anyway, travelling to school on public transport is horrible, especially since I have to change buses and wake up 30min earlier everyday.
Okay, so that's it for my uh... unpleasant school experience during the start of this year. Haha yea but still thank God for everything (: Hope things will improveeee. Goodnight :)
last day of holidays,
Sunday, January 3, 2010 @ 5:01 PM
School reopens tomorrow. Spent today afternoon tidying up my room and doing some last minute preparations. Hehe, I just realised I bought alot of stationaries over the holidays. Like whenever my mum goes to Popular, I will get her to buy some stationaries for me. And uhm since I didn't really write much during the holidays, I kinda accumulated all the stationaries lor. About 10 blue/ black pens, 3 erasers, 4 mechanical pencils, 3 correction tapes, 7 stacks of foolscap, 6 pack of staple bullets, 4 highlighters, pencil lead, scissors and lots of markers hahaha.
I was planning on completing some holiday homework today. This is not an excuse I made up okay, but uh I ate cough/ phlegm medicine and now I feel so drowsy. All I want to do is sleep! Haha so that's what I'm going to do right now :D
See ya peeps in school. Have a good day! :)
good start,
Saturday, January 2, 2010 @ 9:33 PM
I think I started off year 2010 pretty well, fun and meaningful! :) Yesterday was 1Jan and I went on a shopping trip with my mum. There happened to be many sales going on and I managed to buy all my new year clothes in a day, from Forever 21, Pepperplus and FOX :) Haha feels great to have gotten all my CNY clothes in advance. I don't rlly like last minute shopping!
Yesterday's shopping trip was more of the fun part. I mean like HELLO IT'S SHOPPING YKNOW!!! Love shopping lol. Okay anyway, today was the meaningful part :) Thank God for today's service and NE sheps meeting that was so refreshing and timely! I think point two of today's sermon is more applicable for me - Desire greater things from God :) In year 2010, I believe with all my heart that God has even greater, more wonderful and new things in store. Therefore, I need to trust in His plan and have a high level of expectancy. Besides that, I was also kinda of reminded of the fundamentals of Christianity - quiet time. To have a greater desire for God, I really need to spend QUALITY DAILY QUIET TIME! Yeah and that would require more discipline on my part (:
In 2 Corinthians 5:17, it says "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" With the passing of the 2009, I'm learning to let go of things that will hold me back such as grudges/ insecurities/ past failures etc. In the NEW year 2010, I hope to embrace NEW changes and NEW things that will come my way, trusting in an unfailing God :)
The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it. -Thomas S. Monson
New year resolutions,
Friday, January 1, 2010 @ 11:59 PM
Haha, I have been spending most of my time at home for this last week of school holidays :)))) Went to a relative's countdown party with my family yesterday. Despite being surrounded by not so good company e.g. aunties and uncles, thank God my elder sis came to the party as well and we just spent the time eating, watch tv and chatting :)
Hahah, oh there was this hospitable & enthusiastic relative that went around offering everyone wine. Omg he offered me like ten times and I declined nine times. Haha so if you can do simple Math, you'd arrive at the conclusion that I said yes once. Didn't really like the taste but still finished it :S
Yep, and when we were counting down from 10 onwards, it suddenly hit me that 2009 is REALLY coming to an end! In previous years, I guess I probably wouldn't think much of a passing year. But year 2010 is different, it signifies becoming Secondary Four for me!!! It is unquestionably gonna be different to be in a graduating class, which would possibly mean more tests, more studying, more stress, less playing, less going out, less tv. Oh man, you reading must be thinking what a bleak year I have in front of me! Okay but as much dread I feel, there is, somewhere somehow, a part of me that is curious and hopeful (: I'm curious for God's plan in store for me. I'm hopeful of the year 2010, that it's really actually going to be a wonderful year for me.
Today, is 1st January 2010, and I am immensely blessed by God to be just alive! Irregardless of how tough the year ahead would be as well as the challenges I might face, I am assured that I have a great God behind me and supportive family/ friends whom I'm thankful for! :D
Finally, I will keep my year 2010 resolutions short and simple because I don't need or want a lengthy impressive list that will just end up forgotten.
1. STUDY HARD for O' levels to leave NO ROOM FOR REGRETS
We only take O' levels once in a lifetime! (Haha even if you wna take it another time, MOE probably wouldn't allow you to) So might as well just take it seriously and give it your best shot! Currently, I don't really have an ideal JC I wna enter. Target is single digit for L1R5 :)
2. Cultivate and maintain a CONSISTENT EXERCISE REGIME
Exercising can keep fit, destress and lose weight. Yes I want to reach my ideal weight of xx kg :D There are so many gyms, stadiums and parks in Singapore at one's convenience. Haha I always lose discipline in jogging after a few weeks and I hope that I wouldn't this time!
3. Grow more to LOVE GOD LOVE PEOPLE
Yeah, no matter how busy I am, I still want to prioritise God and His kingdom. I believe as long as I place God in the centre of my life, He will not shortchange me (: